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The enemy saw the victorious spirit of the Armenian Army, saw and feared the unbelievable deeds of the Armenian soldiers: Serzh Sargsyan

Message of the Third President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan on the occasion of Army Day
It is very important, especially on Army Day, that we, the entire nation realize and accept simple truth which is critical for our future victories:
Any nation or state is doomed to perish as long as there is no understanding that army is the guarantee of the nation’s and state’s existence – no army, no state.
Any army is doomed to perish if it is led by a coward with no scruples who believes that defeat is victory.
Foreign, even a friendly country’s army will never defend borders of any nation or any state as will do those who defend their own land, their state, and their families.
If we want a victorious army, we need to get rid of a weak and immoral leader who has plunged the nation and the state into a total disorder.
Army is undefeatable when led by a courageous one, who has honor and national dignity.
The enemy saw the victorious spirit of the Armenian Army, saw and feared the unbelievable deeds of the Armenian soldiers, when the Army had worthy commanders.
To those who disgrace the Army and are skeptical about it, I will say again and again – you haven’t seen the real Armenian Army. Those, who think that our Army, which brought the enemy to its knees, was a myth, disrespect on purpose the memory of the thousands of our heroes and also on purpose drive our people to despair. 
The Army is abandoned just like the entire state. Only by disposing of those who degrade and brought on purpose the state to defeat we can restore the former glory of our Army and our country’s full sovereignty. 
I bow to the memory of all our heroes who gave their lives for the freedom and independence of our country, to many of my brothers-in-arms, to our hero brothers and sisters, sons and daughters.
Eternal Glory to the all!

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