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Unrecognized States also have the Right to Operate Their Airports

- Since 2011 one of the most discussed topics in the context of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is the question of operation of the airport in Stepanakert. Recently NKR Defense Minister also referred to this question and mentioned that the delay in operating the airport is due to some technical problems, as NKR does not have necessary number of planes.  What do you think, what role does Azerbaijan’s position play in this context? How much is this position perceivable by the international community?

- Indeed, after reconstruction, the Stepanakert airport technically complies with the standards to have international flights. However, for regular flights, as we understand, this is not enough. Movses Hakobyan's arguments are completely understandable and comprehensible. I would like to remind that Movses Hakobyan mentioned that several planes are needed for the operation of the airpor, otherwise the flights could not be regular. The airport is completely ready and in the case there are the required number of aircrafts, the airport will start its operation.

As for the Azerbaijani threats, I should mention that this kind of behavior was not a surprise either for the international community, or for us. To wait from Azerbaijan that it will have a constructive approach towards any question concerning NKR means to be at least unaware of the policies adopted by Azerbaijan. The international community understands it quite well that the operation of the airport has only a humanitarian purpose and is meant to serve the people of NKR and help them realize their right of movement guaranteed by numerous international documents. As for Azerbaijan’s threats they are just part of their propaganda. It is enough to remember, that here we speak about civil aviation and any attack to the civilian plane is violation of all international conventions.

I think it is pointless to condition the operation of Stepanakert airport with Azerbaijan’s position. Azerbaijan has lost any right over Nagorno-Karabakh, its territory, including its airspace.  

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