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Jürgen Gottschlich: Nobody in Germany Really Knows about the Role of Germans in the Massacres of 1915-1916

 "Armedia" Information, Analytical Agency presents an exclusive interview with German journalist and publicist Jürgen Gottschlich, a foreign correspondent for German newspaper Die Tageszeitung in Istanbul, the author of the book "Genocide complicity: Germany’s role in the Armenian Genocide."

-         Mr. Gottschlich, in your book you speak about German’s role in the Armenian Genocide. What was the reaction of German society and German politicians to the book and how the book can have its impact on the recognition of the Armenian Genocide by Germany?

-          As I have already mentioned, nobody in Germany really knows about the role of Germans  in the massacres of 1915-1916. Everybody I talked to before, confirmed that they had heard about the Armenian Genocide but all of them asked what Germany had to do with it. There is a lack of information and as a journalist my first aim is, of course, to fill this gap as people do not know what really happened. I was very surprised learning that a considerable interest about the Genocide aroused. I have given various radio and TV interviews on how German society can have its impact on the recognition of the Armenian Genocide. Due to these interviews people become more informed and besides some discussions can be organized in Parliament and at schools.  

-          As you know the Turkish government denies Genocide. What do you think how can Germany induce Turkey to recognize its history?

-          I think if the German government accepts the Genocide then it would be more difficult for the Turkish government, because Germany had been an alley for the Ottomans.  Thus if Germany says that it was a Genocide then Turkey cannot deny the fact. The recognition of the Genocide by Germany would be important for the people, who critically deny the true history. I think Turkish people must go to Yerevan and apologize for their ancestors.


The interview is taken under the framework of "Journalism-Seminar for Young Journalists from Armenia and Turkey" organized by taz.partnerstiftung.

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