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Silk Road is Close to be Reality

Although the new project of Silk Road is so desirable from both sides Europe and Asia it develops quite slowly. The project has certainly positive impact in both sides’ economy. The predictions have shown that the road does not follow only economic or trade benefits and activities, it also has political gains. There are expectations in many political issues that to be resolved between Europe and Asia, it expects at list open borders from each countries that are involved in the project. This is the most crucial point here. The project also supplies easy transfers and easy exchange of people from Europe to Asia and vice verse. It also anticipates low cost of transportation and better conditions of traveling as the roads will be new. Tourism will raise its pace in this context as traveling will be easy to organize between Europe and Asia.

News. am reports that the president of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Sir Suma Chkrabarti has announced on Monday that the bank observes the possibilities to have its financial input in the Silk Road project. Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Georgia have applied for financial aid to the bank on this issue. EBRD through these countries got opportunity to take place in this huge project.

Armenia has been one of the main courtiers involved in the old Silk Road path. And now it is interested to rediscover its place in the new Silk Road project as well. The country also belongs to the project by its geographical territory. Armenia most probably should follow the above mentioned countries’ example in order to take its place in the project as we also have representative of EBRD in Armenia doing many projects connect with reconstruction and development. Silk Road is the exclusive opportunity of Armenia in terms of economic opportunities and political peace in the area.

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