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RA Deputy Minister of Economy: There will be New Emphasis on the Development of Eastern Partnership during the Riga Summit

On the eve of Riga Summit that is to take place from May 21 to 22, "Armedia""Information, Analytical Agency presents an EXCLUSIVE interview with the RA Deputy Minister of Economy.  

- Mr. Melkonyan, how would you assess present stage of RA-EU relations? To what extent did we manage to overcome some problems concerning  mutual understanding?

 - We had an opportunity on several occasions to publicly present the nature of the process, we were engaged in during last months or it is better to say during last year. On those occasions we also presented the direction by which those processes move.

In June 2014 a process was launched the aim of which was to have discussions, debates and via those professional debates and discussions to find out the cooperation agenda between the EU and Armenia in trade, economy and in other spheres.

The process that started in June 2014 was activated at the end of 2014. In the months of October-November we organized the so-called "exchange of ideas" format discussion with the European Union, later on committee session was organized, which has been acting for ten years. This was followed by the session of subcommittee for trade and economic affairs, and some other discussions.

Via the exchange of common ideas those discussions aim at outlining  the directions, the spheres and the formats the commercial and economic relations between the European Union and Armenian are to be organized. I particularly underline commercial-economic relations as the discussion of such general issues (political, human rights and issues of other spheres) is organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Ministry of Economy is carrying out the extensive, big block that refers to trade relations and to the future format of cooperation in various  spheres that relate to  trade.

I am to note that in general we are satisfied by the discussions as they helped to formulate the frame around which further discussions on new possible legal document are to be conducted. Recently the Minister has had an opportunity to refer to this issue. I also had an opportunity to comment on this on various occasion.

As majority from  our society is informed based on these discussions the European side is to provide mandate to the European Commission which will serve as a base for the launch of the necessary legal process that is in its turn is needed for the start of the European Commission discussions.

The question when the mandate is to be given has been raised for many times. I think that it is a procedural issue and depends on the date  the European side will receive it from the respective European institutions. After which we will have an opportunity to start a negotiation process on the content of the document that is to be signed between Armenia and EU.  

- Based on the common preparatory stage once the mandate is received how long those discussions will last?  

-I suggest not concentrating on the dates. What is important is the content of the negotiated document and not the dates, when those negotiations will be possible to end.

Of course it is important for the negotiations to be constructive and proceed in utmost constructive way. I am sure this is the way it is going to proceed. However it is not the most productive method to assign deadlines to the negotiation that have not stated yet.

At the same time, I would  like state that we have previously discussed package that include Deep and Comprehensive Trade. After it we had recent active professional discussions, the aim of which was to find out what else can be included in the new package from  the previously  negotiated package. We have done quiet an extensive and complete job. I think we have enough good bases for the negotiation process to move forward quickly. Pure determination of deadlines is going to be artificial and I would not suggest fixing on certain dates.

-In Your opinion, what should be our priorities in these negotiations? 

-The European Union has been and still remains an important trading partner for Armenia. If we look at our foreign trade circulation, we’ll see that we are carrying out a considerable part of the trade with the European Union. The EU remains and, I believe, that in future it will still be one of the key markets for Armenian products export. From the perspective of having such a large and purchasing export market, I think, it is naturally very important to be careful and develop the relationship.

I think that we should aim to include in the negotiation package all the directions and the fields in which we are competent as a member of EACU. Besides, we should regulate the bilateral relations with the European Union which will promote our trade and economic relations.

We repeatedly stated that we are open to all our partners. Yes, we have assumed certain obligations within EACU framework and during the discussion of the package we’ll take into consideration these obligations and I am sure we’ll have no conflicting issue here.

Naturally, those agreements will be reached that are realistic  and that  will contribute to the development of our relations. 

-What are our main expectations from Riga Summit?

- The Riga Summit will take place within the framework of the Eastern Partnership initiative. The Partnership comprises of 6 countries, including Armenia. This is a format in which countries are meeting regularly at high level, first of all to assess the previous stage and second to develop certain orientations on predicting possible development of future directions and dimensions.

Eastern Partnership is a multilateral framework cooperation, which also had its specific results. A day is  left for the summit. I think we’ll see the results in a few days; what kind of statements will be accepted what approaches would be fixed for future.

Cooperation, as such, will have an ongoing format. Certainly I think there will be some new emphasis on the development of the Eastern Partnership, as each summit, summing up the previous season, outlines new, comparatively updated directions, possible developed approaches referring to future plans. I think that during this summit there will again be updates.

Especially, I predict, there will be a particular emphasis, on the necessity of differentiated approach toward the countries of the Eastern Partnership, because in recent times we have seen various developments that took place in different countries. Some of them signed agreements, some don’t want to negotiate Association Agreement with the EU  or even don’t have the wish to sign a document; I mean Azerbaijan. In our case, there is a fairly well-established foundation.

Emphasizing  the  importance of the format of Armenia-European Union relations,  we introduced discussion points on sectoral and thematic areas we are ready to cooperate with EU.

The importance of the support, given to the Armenian institutions, has been highlighted. It does not only contribute to our implementation of the reforms , but it is also a good platform for the development of Armenia-European Union relations. Of course, there will be some new emphases, but I believe that cooperation is continuous, and after the Summit, conditioned by the start of new negotiation format  it will be possible to start discussions on new framework of relations and on the work to be done for its further development.

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