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A Historical Moment: Armenia to Become a Bridge Between Iran and the EEU

The world is witnessing a historic moment ... If a few days ago one would doubt whether there will be a deal on Iran's nuclear program after numerous pending deadlines and toughening wording of the negotiating parties, the deal is nor a reality. The parties finally reached an agreement, including on the issues that hindered the negotiation process.

So, in exchange of lifting the sanctions against Tehran, the International Agency for Nuclear Energy (IANE) will be able to carry out inspections of Iran's nuclear facilities. It should be noted that Iran has allowed IANE inspectors to work inof those  countries that have established diplomatic ties with Iran. In addition, Iran must reduce the level of uranium enrichment at its nuclear facilities to the safe - no more than 5%. The Agreement will enter into force 90 days after the approval of the UN Security Council.

Of course, such a historic event could not leave the world indifferent. Many countries have already expressed their position - both positive and negative. According to BBC, President Barack Obama said the deal provides an opportunity to move in a new direction, and the US will use it. In its turn, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that "today the world sighed with great relief," adding that Russia would do everything so as Vienna agreements could fully work, helping to strengthen international and regional security.

Spanish Foreign Minister said that implementation of the agreement will take time. "Spain expresses its full readiness to cooperate in the implementation process of the agreement, and urges its full compliance." Turkey's reaction also did not come late. Turkey welcomed the agreement  of Iran and the six world powers, stating that "the full implementation of the agreements will bring to the region peace, security and stability”.

Along with these positive comments there appeared a quite predictable reaction of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He said that this is a historical mistake for the world, since big concessions were made on all points that would have to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.

As for Armenia, taking into account the historical Armenian-Iranian relations, and also considering our countries’ neighbourhood, Armenia's reaction to the agreement was one of the most quick ones. Armenia welcomed the agreement on the Iranian nuclear program, noting that this is an important achievement. As for cooperation between Iran and Armenia, as the press service of the Armenian Foreign Ministry informs, the statement says: "We hope that this will serve as an additional incentive for the expansion of trade and economic cooperation, implementation of joint projects between Armenia and friendly Iran."

Sure enough, after lifting of sanctions against Iran, the country can use its full potential, which may open a new stage in Armenian-Iranian relations. In an talk with "Armedia" IAA, an expert on Iran Gohar Iskandaryan noted that the lifting of the sanctions will bring Iran some incomes that can be used to implement a number of Armenian-Iranian projects delayed due to a lack of finance.

Besides bilateral relations, the lifting of sanctions would contribute to the development of Armenia-Iran-EEU, as Iran could export its products to Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus through Armenia. This opinion was expressed by Iranian Ambassador to Armenia, Mohammad Reis. We can say that in this way Armenia can become a kind of bridge connecting Iran and the countries of EEU.


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