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Iran and the US - Enemies Forever?

After Iran and the world six powers reached an agreement on Iranian nuclear program, it seemed that the strained relations between the US and Iran would soften and at last they would start cooperating on this or that issue. However, this is not the case and just after several days from the deal, the Supreme Leader of Iran announces that that in the relations between Iran and the US has not changed anything.

Referring to the rally of the Iranians, when they chanted "Death to Israel, Death to the US," Khamenei said that this is what the society of Iran heads for, The Times of Israel reports. Moreover, he declared that the nuclear deal does not change their position towards the US and it would not hinder Iran from supporting its friends in the region – Palestine, Yemen, Syria and Iraq.

 "The Islamic Republic of Iran will not give up support of its friends in the region — the oppressed people of Palestine, of Yemen, the Syrian and Iraqi governments, the oppressed people of Bahrain and sincere resistance fighters in Lebanon and Palestine… Our policy will not change with regards to the arrogant US government," said Khamenei.

As Al Jazeera informs, Khamenei called the nuclear program an exceptional one around which Iran and the US negotiated, claiming that Iran has not and will not negotiate with the US on international, regional or bilateral issues. Khamenei also did not forget Israel, calling the regime there "terrorist, child-killing Zionist one."

Apparantely, the nuclear deal did not contribute to the rapproachemnt of Iran and the US, taking into consideration that the above mentioned was declared by the Supreme Leader, to whom the final say belongs. In this regard it is quite difficult to imagine the developments in the region due to the complicated situation here – Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Syrian crisis, Yemeni crisis, the unrest in Iraq… What will the role of Iran be from now on? 

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