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Isreal Intervenes into American Politics?

Despite the fact that both the US and Israel continue repeating that the relations between these two countries is the same as several years ago and they have very strong ties and friendly relations, the tension of the relations is obvious. This became obvious in the pre-election period of the Israeli parliamentary elections, when Netanyahu was speaking about the impossibility of the two-state solution. However, this tension became even more during the progress of the negotiations over the Iranian nuclear deal and of course, after that agreement was reached.

"Netanyahu used his influence to intervene in the foreign policy of the United States", the US President Obama said in an interview with CNN. And though he mentioned that the US and Israel have close relations, Obama stressed that Netanyahu is wrong concerning the Iranian nuclear deal. "His starting point is incorrect. If I'm right, and the agreement is the best way to prevent the creation of the Iranian bomb, it is good not only for the US but also for Israel," quotes Obama.

This is one of the topics the opposition party of Israel Zionist Union touches upon quite often. As the leader of the Union says, while he and Netanyahu agree that the Iran deal is a bad one, they disagree on the approach Israel should take.

As The Jerusalem Post reports, Herzog is sure that the Iranian nuclear deal would destabilize the region and in 10-15 years Iran would become a "nuclear threshold" state. However, he also added that this does not give Israel a right to intervene into the American politics.
"The relationship between our nations is key to Israel’s national security and I think arguments between us and the US are arguments within the family. We should set rules on how to manage and control this argument and not to cross lines," Herzog said.

The thing that the whole Israel perceives the Iranian nuclear deal a threat is obvious, but the ways of expressing that fear differs. Netanyahu seems to be more courageous in blaming the US in this or that, however at the same time not forgetting to stress that the two countries are close friends. The opposition, however, is more cautious in its wording when it particularly refers to the US, as it seems, they have fears of losing their good ally. 

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