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Recognition of Artsakh's Independence Cannot be an End in Itself

It is already several days the issue of possible recognition of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic’s independence by Armenia is being very actively discussed both in Armenian and international media. These conversations further intensified after the publication of the RA Government's conclusion on the draft bill "On recognition of the Artsakh Republic."

Most of the media (both Armenian and foreign) without even getting acquainted to the conclusion of the Government, mistakenly presented the approval of the conclusion on the bill by the Government as a positive conclusion to the bill by the Government, which, actually, misrepresent the truth.

It is noteworthy that the adoption of this project the Government "conditions by the results of the discussions between Armenia and Artsakh, taking into account further developments, including external factors," in other words, recognition of NKR is not appropriate at this moment, and it is considered a result of possible further developments, including external factors.

During the period of April four-day war an impression was created that it is the right time for Armenia to recognize NKR, and in this situation it would be our adequate response. We cannot rule out that this fact has also played its role in the wrong perception of the Government's conclusion.

In this context, however, one should consider a few facts. First, the recognition of Artsakh's independence cannot be an end in itself. The primary goal is the international recognition of NKR, and one should refrain from any steps which can lead that process into a deadlock. Given the existence of such a negative precedent (the recognition of Northern Cyprus by Turkey), we need to be more than convinced in our estimations that the recognition of Artsakh independence will not be the only one, on the contrary, it will become one component in the series of recognitions. As long as there are no guarantees, the appropriateness of the recognition of Artsakh independence will remain controversial, both in terms of its impact on the negotiation process and strengthening the position of the Armenian sides.

Second, appropriate steps in this new situation are already taken. There is a task to prepare an agreement on mutual military-technical assistance between Armenia and Artsakh, the work on which is in the process. This agreement will be an additional guarantee for Artsakh's security, which is essential given this tension. This agreement will change the situation moving the relations between the RA and NKR into a new platform.

All this indicate that such an important step as the recognition of NKR independence should be based on serious calculations of risks and opportunities and scenario forecasting. However, it is clear that in case of any type of further adventurous behavior by Azerbaijan, Armenia will have nothing to do but recognize NKR.

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