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NKR Foreign Minister: If a New War Breaks out Many Countries will Recognize Artsakh as an Independent State

Nagorno Karabakh Republic Minister of Foreign Affairs, Karen Mirzoyan,  spoke to Greek newspaper.

Below is a short version of the interview translated by Artakh Press.

- How did the last war begin?

- There is a ceasefire agreement for 22 years already, but there have always been attacks by the Azerbaijanis during these 22 years Azerbaijan created conditions for the resumption of war for years.

And Azerbaijan’s attack on April 2 against Artsakh was not only an attack against our country, but against the peace efforts by the [Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)] Minsk Group. Azerbaijan’s actions are a threat to world peace and regional stability.

- Why did they start the war right now?

- It [i.e. Azerbaijan] faces numerous problems both inside and on the international scene; this was a one-way street for them.

- Has the decline in prices of oil and [natural] gas played a role here (…)?

- The leadership and president of Azerbaijan do not want to see a solution to the problem by way of diplomacy and negotiations. (…) We are confident that Baku will continue on the path of war.

- Nonetheless, Turkey encourages Baku (…)[?]

- For years Turkey arms and trains the Azerbaijani army, whose objective is war.

- They [i.e. Russia] have also sold weapons to Baku ?

- We are concerned that Russia sells weapons to Azerbaijan, but it sells weapons to Armenia as well. (…) But unless the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is resolved by diplomatic and peaceful means, arms will be sold by various countries.

- What solution can the Nagorno-Karabakh problem have?

- The solution will be easier if the people of the region move forward on the road of democracy, and the governments of the countries have the people’s mandate.

We believe in democracy and the sovereignty of nations; also, in the sovereignty of the Artsakh people, who have the right to self-determination, which they achieved democratically.

- Two MPs of the Parliament of Armenia have raised the issue of recognition of Karabakh’s independence. Is this a kind of pressure?

- If Azerbaijan attacks again, this will put an end to the peace process within the framework of the Minsk Group, and to the diplomatic resolution of this issue. Needless to say, if a new war breaks out, not only Armenia, but many other countries will recognize Artsakh as an independent state.

- But the trend of the rise in the number of small countries in the world worries many European countries ?

- It is wrong to draw parallels between Karabakh and Kosovo, or Cyprus. Those who argue that there are similarities, do not wish to solve the problem. Problems are not solved by means of weapons and dominance, but democracy, free expression of the will of the peoples.

- Are you not concerned that in recent years Azerbaijan updates its arsenal by using the funds received from the export of oil and gas to Europe? Could this impact your relations with some [European] countries, including Greece?

- Oil ultimately will end sooner or later, whereas friendly relations between the Armenian and Greek peoples have a long history and have nothing to do with temporary things such as oil.

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