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Istanbul Branch of Human Rights Association Welcomes the Recognition of the Armenian Genocide by Bundestag

The Committee Against Racism and Discrimination of the Human Rights Association (Istanbul Branch) has sent a letter to Consul of Germany, condemning the attacks of the Turkish authorities on Germany after Bundestag recognized the Armenian Genocide. In the letter the Committee also welcomes the step of Bundestag, calling the hostility against Germany as hostility against democracy and human rights. The letter reads as follows:



"Dear Dr. Georg Birgelen,

Consul General of Germany,

As the Human Rights Association, Istanbul Branch, Committee Against Racism and Discrimination, we are addressing you this letter to denounce and express shame for the extremely racist verbal and written attacks by the Turkish authorities, the media, and various nationalist elements of society, against Germany and the German people, following the German Parliamentary decision that recognizes the Armenian Genocide. As human rights defenders and activists against racism, we appreciate the fact that the German state has condemned the Holocaust by all means, created places for Holocaust memorialization in all areas of life, variously memorialized the crimes of the Nazi regime, established an educational system that insists on historical truth rather than denialist history, and made these permanent as state policy.

On 7 December 1970, German Chancellor Willi Brandt kneeled before the Warsaw Ghetto Memorial and apologized to the Jewish people, thereby vividly demonstrating to the world what states must do with regard to crimes against humanity. Without a doubt, Germany was able to arrive at this point as a result of the endless efforts of human rights defenders, thinkers and writers, politicians, and all influential individuals of the public sphere. For we see every single day how difficult it is both for the state and for society to rid themselves of all kinds of racism. It is moreover impossible for a crime against humanity such as genocide to be atoned for, restituted, or redressed; nevertheless, all steps in this direction are conditions of being a society, and being human.

A natural, if belated, consequence of this state policy, the German Parliamentary decision of 2 June 2016 is exemplary in showing the approach that the world must take with regard to crimes against humanity committed by states, in that in its decision to "remember and commemorate the genocide against Armenians and other Christians in the period 1915-16," it has not only recognized the premeditated, systematic genocide perpetrated in Anatolia and Asia Minor, but also clearly stated that Germany was also responsible. Opposed to this exemplary stance is the attitude in Turkey, which condones the crime. The insults and discourses of racial hatred directed toward Germany, German MPs, and the German people, as well as the actions in which such discourses were used, constitute crimes in the countries that enforce the standards of international law. Even more extreme racist insults and threats against German MPs of Turkish origin lay bare the dire situation in Turkey in terms of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law.

As human rights defenders in Turkey, we see these attacks by state authorities, the media, and nationalists as evidence that these crimes against humanity can always recur in this country. We believe that these discourses and actions are attacks on the will of elected representatives, on democracy, human rights, and universal law, not only in Germany but in all countries who have taken or will take a stance against the official view in Turkey. We thus salute the German Parliament on the occasion of its decision and announce to the public opinion in your country that we deem the hatred and hostility against Germany and the German people to be hostility toward democracy and human rights.

Yours sincerely,

Human Rights Association, Istanbul Branch

Committee Against Racism and Discrimination



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