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Aliyev Began the Operation "Heritage"

Alexandr Miridonov / Kommersant

After the appointment of Mehriban Aliyeva on the post of first vice-president, she became the second most important and influential figure in Azerbaijan. In case the President for some reason is unable to perform his duties, his functions will do his wife. 

This appointment was possible thanks to the constitutional amendments held in Azerbaijan in September 2016, which, as we see in practice, aimed at strengthening the hereditary rule of the Aliyev dynasty. It should be noted, that since 2000s all the constitutional "reforms" served this purpose. In 2003, “reforms” were carried out in order Ilham Aliyev came to power, in 2009 - that he could win the elections for unlimited times, and in 2016 - in order to facilitate the task of the transmission of power to the family members. It should be noted that the ultimate goal of Aliyev is to hand over power to his son - Heydar Aliyev Junior. Taking into account that the latter is too young for such a position, Aliyev was forced to resort to complex combinations, lowering the age limit and extending the power of the president. Already in 2025, we can see Heydar Aliyev Jr. in high leadership positions. But before that he needed to keep power in the hands of the family and to prevent any ambitions by a third party. For such a role in the transitional period, perhaps the most convenient candidate is Mehriban.

At the same time it should not be forgotten that Mehriban Aliyeva is from Pashayev clan, which influence is not inferior to the Aliyev clan’s influence. Consequently, such an appointment is important to avoid inter-clan clashes and retain the balance in the country. These developments in Azerbaijan are not incomprehensible not only for the West (it is enough to remember the scandal around the former French Prime Minister Francois Fillon, who is now candidate for president, because of his wife's work and received the salary in the parliament), but for the East: the most known for its influence on the political life of the eastern "first" ladies is Sheikha Mozah – second of three wives of the Emir of Qatar, whose influence on the political life of the country is so large, that after Emir left power, the power passed not to his eldest son, but to his son from Mozah. 

In fact, Azerbaijan is the only country in the modern world, moreover, as people say in Baku, state with "democratic values", where such developments are perceivable. Perhaps this is because of the merits of Mehriban Aliyeva, for which she was awarded by Ilham Aliyev a medal after Heydar Aliyev...


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