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Our Plans Will Target Reinforcement of Civil Society And Its Role: Naira Karapetyan, Director of ''European Integration'' NGO

 "Armedia" IAA talked to Naira Karapetyan, head of  ''European Integration" NGO.

 - Mrs. Karapetyan, you wrote on your Facebook page about assuming the position of head of  ''European Integration'' NGO.

- In fact, I have been participating in the work of "European Integration" for a long time. I have an extended experience in working with European structures in the parliamentary circles, particularly in the PACE Armenian delegation. The key priorities of the organization are the integration of civil society into the development of small and medium-sized businesses, capacity building of civil society organizations, the European integration, conflict transformation and peace building, the study and application of European experience.

At present, there seems to be a misunderstanding of the European direction, given a number of objective and subjective reasons. Therefore, it is more than important to make European values accessible to our society, at the same time take our national mentality into account.

In addition, the work of European structures is not limited to the contact with the Armenian authorities. The role of non-governmental organizations in the formation of a political agenda is also significant. In this context, I would like to stress the dialogue with the civil society in the implementation of the Armenia-EU CEPA agreement as the civil society is a direct participant in that process and there is still much to be done in that direction.  

- What are your current plans?

- The plans are aimed at the strengthening and development of civil society and its role. We will continue our active participation in the current processes in the country. Today the public sector seems to be politicized. Many public figures are eager to enter the political field, and today there are gaps in the public domain. Once again, I would like to emphasize the imperative of civil society's role in impartial, professional and well-balanced work on presenting and realizing the real agenda in the country.

- You mentioned the transformation of the conflicts among priorities. What does that mean?

- Over the years "European Integration" has implemented projects aimed at promoting peace in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, and interacting with three communities, including the European experience of conflict resolution. As to the upcoming projects now, our work will be visible and open, we are ready for cooperation.

The members of our organization's board, including me, are always available. 

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