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Телеканал "Аль-Джазира" рассказал о женщинах-саперах Карабаха (фотографии)

В далеких селах Карабаха работает 11 женщин-саперов. Арабский телеканал "Аль-Джазира" посвятил им фоторепортаж, пишет Sputnik Армения.

Журналисты телеканала побывали в Карабахе и поговорили с представителями прекрасной половины человечества, занятыми в этой сугубо мужской опасной работе. В снегах и слякоти, вдалеке от, казалось бы, столь близкой цивилизации, женщины-саперы ищут то, что было спрятано другими - наверняка мужчинами.

Пока что женщины-саперы выходят победителями в схватке с минерами. Один сапер в среднем зачищает по 10-11 квадратных метров в день. Чистую территорию отмечают красными столбиками. Цель саперов - сделать так, чтобы дети могли играть, а люди - ходить в любом уголке этой земли.

У одной из собеседниц "Аль-Джазиры" семеро детей, вторая потеряла дядю, подорвавшегося на мине. У каждой из них своя история, пересекающаяся с опасным делом. Но всех их объединяет одно - сделать снова мирной землю, напичканную смертью.

A HALO de-mining team at the Aghavnatun minefield. Once they have finished their work here, the land can be used safely again for multiple purposes - from grazing livestock to being a place where local kids can play and wander without fear. [Eva Clifford/Al Jazeera]

Each de-miner clears on average 10-11sq metres a day. Here, red posts mark the boundary between cleared and un-cleared land. [Eva Clifford/Al Jazeera]

Military positions once lined the tops of these hills during the Nagorno-Karabakh War (1988-1994). When the residents of a nearby village noticed a landmine they alerted The HALO Trust, who dispatched a team to survey and clear the area. The village, being just 1.2km away, means children regularly come to play here. The team carries out a full excavation so that they can ensure the land is mine-free before handing it back to the local community. [Eva Clifford/Al Jazeera]

Anti-aircraft cables hang between the mountains in the Lachin region of Nagorno-Karabakh. Despite the ceasefire of 1994, tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijan remain high over the contested region. [Eva Clifford/Al Jazeera]

Narine is one of the female de-miners working in the Lachin region. She has seven kids and as she lives nearby, she is able to return home each night after working in the field.

Inga is one of The HALO Trust’s female de-miners. Here, she is pictured at the base near the Karegah minefield in Berdzor (Lachin). [Eva Clifford/Al Jazeera]

The hardest part of the job, says Varditer, is being away from her kids. From Monday to Friday she is based at the minefield, but dedicates the whole weekend to her kids, who are aged 16 and 9. [Eva Clifford/Al Jazeera]

Lucine's uncle was killed by an OZM-72 mine. These mines are activated by a tripwire; in the case of Lucine's uncle, it was triggered by someone else. Lucine first found out about HALO because a relative of hers was working with them. She's now been a de-miner since 2017. [Eva Clifford/Al Jazeera]


Alvina, one of HALO's female de-miners at Marzili. [Eva Clifford/Al Jazeera]

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