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David Melkumyan: the Public and Political Awareness Has Significantly Increased in Artsakh

"Armedia" Information, Analytical Agency presents an exclusive interview with the member of Artsakh Democratic Party David  Melkumyan


-  Mr. Melkumyan, how would you assess the ongoing election campaign? Are all conditions provided for holding transparent and legitimate elections?

- Taking into account the experience of organizing elections in Artsakh Republic in previous years, this time also all conditions are provided for the implementation of fair and democratic elections. All parties and candidates nominated by majoritarian system have equal conditions for holding electoral campaign.

- How would you describe the importance of NKR Parliamentary elections? According to you, can these elections secure progress in the NKR democratization process?

-  These elections differ from previous ones by the fact that for the first time in the Republic a parliament on permanent basis will be established. The realization of this process is not an end in itself. The organization of any election in high level is a progress of democratization process. And the above mentioned circumstances mean that our society, highlighting the role of a professional parliament,  refers to electoral processes seriously. All these facts mean that the level of public and political awareness has increased.

- How much will the elections impact the change of the perceptions of the international community and the progress in foreign relations? Can we expect more efforts after the elections on increasing the subjectivity of NKR. 

-  Since the declaration of independence, all elections held in Artsakh, be it presidential, parliamentary or local elections, have been at the center of attention of groups and individuals, implementing international observation missions. The results reported by them have always corresponded to the standards of all democratic countries. I think that the existence of this fact plays a significant role for the country in being am established and a democratic one. And what refers to the status,  not only elections, but also processes held every day, in different fields record a positive change in international opinion. The strengthening of efforts in the process of sustaining sovereignty in NKR should be not only due to elections but also should be viewed as the continuation of previously adopted policy.

-  What is your vision of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement?

 - In this regard, we are definitely for the peaceful resolution of the conflict. But the experience of older generation reminds us that we must also be ready, if necessary, for an imposed solution of the question. Seeing the Azerbaijani propaganda, and the cultivation of hatred even among younger generation, we cannot exclude from our agenda the possibility of the second option. However, we hope that there will be a peaceful resolution of the conflict. 


What are the main peculiarities of your party compared to others?

 During its fifteen years of activity our party has remained faithful to its principles and has never changed its own viewpoint. It always has its role not only in processes of the legislative power but also in all events held in the country. By this we have gained people’s confidence and nowadays NDP is considered as one of the guarantors of political parties in democratic processes.

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