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Greece Presents New Proposal to EU

On June 21, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras during a phone conversation with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande and EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker presented Greece's proposal for a deal. This was done before today’s emergency Summit which is taking place in Brussels between the euro zone leaders.

According to the Prime Minister’s office, he presented the three European leaders a proposal for a mutually beneficial agreement that would give a final solution at last, and not postpone tackling the problem.

Anyway, Germany addressed a final warning to Greece threatening that the country would have to leave the euro zone if it failed to establish a deal with their creditors. As Sputnik News reports, German Chancellor Angela Merkel told that the Greek deadline for reaching negotiations wouldn’t be changed any longer.

If the deal is not reached by June 30, the country will run out of money and find itself unable to pay its debts or finance the running of the state. According to, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble insisted that Athens carried out reforms to rescue Greece from default at the end of the month.

"Our stabilization policy has worked in recent years in the European countries where reforms have not only been agreed to but also implemented," Schaeuble declared referring to mainly Spain and Portugal and adding that this could happen in Greece too as long as reforms are carried out.

EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker in his turn has stressed that he sympathizes the Greek people a lot, but not the Greek government.

The matter is that it was much easier to carry out negotiations with the previous Greek government, as it was meeting Brussels' demands and concessions, unlike Greece's current Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and his team, who are quite tough and stubborn towards the EU and all its claims. They consider that EU and its officials do not have any right to force Greece to implement the so-called ''reforms'' which are against the interests of the Greek population. Both Tsipras and his Finance Minister Varoufakis, as well as the other members of their Syriza party strongly oppose these reforms which could be carried out only "at the expense of the Greek people," especially in the context of the tax increases and new retirement rules to cut pension spending.

So today there are a lot of people in Greece who do support the Syriza party and welcome the "proud" stance of Greece, which does not obey the EU rules and does not want to be dictated any longer, and people, who even do not mind coming out of the EU, let alone the euro zone, in order just to stop this European "unfair" attitude towards Greece and Greek nation.

It should be noted that in these days several meetings not only in Athens, but also in Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam, and even in the capital of EU, in Brussels have been held on Greek bailout, but still no results. Today's summit is called to finally decide the future of Greece, but expectations are not that positive.

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