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Iran’s Financial Resources Will be Invested in Iran-Armenia Projects

A final comprehensive agreement between Iran and six leading world powers has become a subject of discussions by analysts. Today Gohar Iskandaryan, Senior Researcher at the Department of Iranian studies, Institute of Oriental Studies, presented to journalists the most important points of this agreement, noting its importance from the standpoint of the Armenian-Iranian relations and regional stability.

She said the signing of the agreement became possible only through concessions from both sides and it was made to establish peace in the region. Speaking about the arms embargo on Iran, Iskandaryan noted that according to the agreement within 5 years Iran will not be able to import military equipment. However, if there is a situation Iran really needs these equipments, the United Nations Security Council can suspend this point. Iskandaryan thinks this was done in order to use Iran’s capabilities in the fight against "Islamic State".

As for the Iranian ballistic missiles Iskandaryan said for 8 years Iran cannot import materials that can be used for these missiles’ development. She noted that Iran stepped back in another very important issue. Iran got the right to enrich uranium at Natanz only and in other sites, including in the Ford it can only produce isotopes that must be used in medecine. There  specialists from Russia and Iran will work.

Speaking about the gradual unfreezing of Iran’s financial resources, the analyst said that first of all Iran will try to solve problems in its own economy. At the same time these financial resources will create chances to implement some Armenian-Iranian projects that have been suspended due to lack of funds. Iskandaryan noted that first of all the construction of hydropower plant in Meghri will be completed. In regard with the construction of Armenia-Iran railway and investments from Iran we should not expect that Iran will first of all invest its resources in this project especially when Armenia is now much more interested in this project than Iran.

In response to "Armedia" Informational, Analytical Aency's question, Iskandaryan said that the agreement will greatly strengthen the position of the president of Iran Hassan Rohani inside Iran and everything will be done to have more open Iran. "However, we cannot expect the country to become a secular state at once, taking into account the theocratic character of the country," she added.

In an answer to the questionwhether the signing of the deal satisfies the interests of all regional states, Iskandaryan said Iran will now become a powerful actor in the region and will take part in "the big games". Until now Turkey was trying to take this role. She thinks "the heavy burden of solving regional conflicts will be laid on the shoulders of Iran". That’s why the West has been holding negotiations with Iran for so long time.


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