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Anatoly Bashmakov: the Culture of International Relations is Boundless

"Armedia" IAA presents an exclusive interview with Anatoly Bashmakov, Deputy of the Senate of the Parliament of Kazakhstan of 4-5 convocations, a member of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan. The Interview was conducted in the framework of "Armenia-Kazakhstan: Cooperation Platforms" project, with the support of Embassy of Kazakhstan in Armenia.



- 2015 marks the 20th anniversary of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan. Please, tell us about the significance of this structure, how much does it contribute to the peaceful coexistence of more than 130 ethnic groups living in Kazakhstan?

- On March 1, 2015 exactly 20 years passed since the establishment of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan. It is probably the only institution in the world - supranational, which includes representatives of all the 130 cultures, ethnic groups and nationalities living in our country. Now the Assembly is a constitutional body, has 9 members, whom the Assembly itself recommends to the parliament and who presents there the whole Assembly. This adds even more to the multi-tolerant function of the structure, for example, Armenian deputy defends the interests of all other nations.

The Assembly has a Scientific-Expert Council that we consider a research laboratory within the Assembly, engaged in scientific, methodological support of ethno-cultural policy of Kazakhstan. The best brains among scientists, political scientists, cultural scientists, ethnographers are included in the Council. At the meetings, we usually discuss issues related to improving efficiency. In contrast to the European multiculturalism, our main basis is the concept of "Mangylik eat" - "Eternal country." This is first and foremost the cultural code of the Kazakh ethnic group, the most important component of all-Kazakh identity. As the basis of the concept is taken the following principle: the culture of international relations is boundless. Thus, it becomes possible to absorb from each other all that is the best in different cultures.

- Please, tell about the "100 Steps" program.

- The proposed direction of the head of state - the plan of the nation "100 Steps" is a tool, a mechanism for the implementation of the five institutional reforms. This is particularly about economy, good governance and the selection of the people in state institutions with two parameters - with professionalism and proper human dimension, because education without proper manners of behavior is like a weapon in the hands of a madman.

Man is the sun around which the state should go around. It is not the man, who should serve the state, but the state must take care of every person. Now our task is to make every citizen of Kazakhstan - the 17.5 million people to allow these "100 steps" pass through their hearts.

If the government feels the even breathing of every citizen of Kazakhstan, their shoulders in support of the state, then every citizen will feel the power of the shoulder of his homeland. Only this can help and save. And in this case we will not have what we see today in Ukraine, in the prosperous Europe, the Middle East, in your region.


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