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Liana Hovhannisyan: Main External Themes of the US Pre-Election Campaign

Why is Jeb Bush for tougher policy against Russian president Vladimir Putin, while Trump thinks that he can easily find "common language" with Russian president? Who was among the candidates who still in 2002, before the invasion of the US to Iraq asked the following logical question: "Who is going to run the country if Sadam Hussein is overthrown?"

The answers to these and many other questions can be found in an EXCLUSIVE interview of"Armedia" IAA with the expert of  "Insight" Analytical Center for Applied Policy and Research  Liana Hovhannisyan.

What are the positions of the four main candidates on the Ukrainian Crisis?  

It is to be stated that like in other issues in this case also the positions of the candidates are various and contradictory. For example, if one of the Republican candidates, Jeb Bush, is for tougher policy against President of Russia Vladimir Putin (according to him President of Russia only understands the language of hard power because of his bully and belligerent nature), then another Republican candidate Donald Trump thinks that he can easily find "common language" with current president of Russia, who "enjoys popularity with Russian population."

As for the US policy in Ukrainian Crisis, then candidate Jeb Bush is for the US to increase its military presence in the neighboring countries with Russia and organize more frequent military exercises there. In contrast, Trump think Ukraine is a problem of Europe  and the US should not have a leading role there when the German Chancellor Angela Merkel "sits behind." In this context it is not accidental that Trump was included in the list of Ukraine’s enemies published recently in the media, where he was named "Kremlin Agent"

The position of the Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton on Ukraine and Russia is different from the position of the US current president; however it is almost identical with the one of the Republican candidate Jeb Bush.  Like Jeb Bush, Clinton is also for hard power against Russia and for more economic and military assistance to Ukraine by the US. Commenting on Clinton’s position towards Russia, it is to be stated that in one of her speeches she even drew parallels between present policy of Russia in Crimea and the policy of Germany before World War Second, when Hitler started to transport many Germans to Central and Eastern Europe.

As for the position of  another Democrat Candidates Bernie Sanders on the US policy toward Ukraine and Russia then it is to be stated thet his position is not that different from the position of the US current president Barack Obama, as the former has also often expressed position for Russia’s isolation noting that "political isolation will result in economic isolation."

- What about the position of the candidates on the Middle East?

-  If we start with the position of Bernie Sanders then it is to be stated that he was one of those few who went against the US invasion to Iraq in 2002 asking  very logical question: "Who is going to run the country if Sadam Hussein is overthrown?" Democrat candidate was also against the leading role of the US in struggle against Islamic State (IS) in Iraq and Syria. In this case his question has the following formulation: "Where are Arabs that the American youth should die in the struggle"

As for another Democrat candidate Clinton, then she is also against the use of the US ground forces against the IS. However, it is interesting to state that when still the State Secretary, Clinton was for immediate assistance to the rebels in Syria, but Obama opposed it unwilling to once more invasde the Middle East. Commenting on the Democrat candidates position on the Middle East it is important also to state that both Clinton and Sanders in case of Israeli-Palestinian conflict demonstrated pro-Israeli stance  being for the Israeli air strikes on Gaza.

The position of the Republicans on the US policy in the Middle East is for the US active involvement in the Middle East which is contradictory to the position of the mentioned Democrat candidates. For example, if in the case of Ukraine Donald Trump is for US more passive role, then in case of Middle East he is for the use of the US ground forces against the IS. It is interesting to note that Trump, however, demands the Middle East countries to pay for the use of military assistance.

Although Jeb Bush is also for the US leading role in the struggle against extremist forces in the Middle East, he continuously avoids to clarify what he means under more active engagement. Does not it mean being loyal to his brother’s policy in the Middle East.

- And finally let's refer to Iran and its nuclear program. What is the position of the candidates on the issue?

- The Democrats and the Republicans are on the opposite camps on this issue. Both Clinton and Sanders are for the agreement between Iran and the Six noting that the problem can only be solved diplomatically to put an end to the endless war in the Middle East.

In contrast to them, Republican candidates are not optimistic. During his last address Jeb Bush noted that Obama took as a diplomatic victory what in reality adds income of Iran for 100 billion, which in its turn means new source of income for extremists. In his turn Trump thinks that the agreement with Iran will result in "nuclear holocaust." However, it is interesting to note that in contrast to the majority of the Republicans Trum is not for complete break of the agreement instead he argues for policing it.

At the end if we sum up then we are to state that the US elections are still at their pre-first stage  and we are still to witness changes in the candidates’ positions on both internal and external affairs of the country. In this sense it is not by chance that the candidates still avoid going into details in their positions.  

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