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Terror in Turkey Deserves Same Attention as the One in France

After twelve days of announced curfew in Silva city in Diyarbakir province of Turkey the ban on population to go out from their places was finally lifted. Even though Turkish authorities have done their best not to allow any information on the cruelties against the mainly Kurdish population of the cities to disseminate in the social media, the photos and the information leaked cause horror and makes one wonder how it can be possible in 21st civilized war.

During all those 12 days the Turkish authorities blocked the city and moved thousands of soldiers there, special teams and police officers accompanied by helicopters, Kirpis [armored vehicles] and tanks under the pretext of struggling against Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), that according to  the Turkish authorities controlled the city.

During all those days the Turkish police and military were firing random shots in the street, as a result of which number of innocent people were killed. According to various reports the number of people killed during those days reached 18, among whom 10 were civilians. For example, on November 9, the Turkish police kept under the fire the cafe, as a result of which three people aged 44, 45 and 50 were wounded and on the way to hospital one of them died. On November 2, the Turkish police heavily wounded two Kurdish young men, who tried to resist the attack of the Turkish policemen.

Pro-Kurdish People’s Democratic Party (HDP) Deputy Parliamentary Group Chair İdris Baluken commenting on the human right violations in Silva particularly noted:

“The situation here has been virtually like a war. Communication opportunities have been deactivated. The neighborhood where our three colleagues have been has been under intense fire since yesterday [Nov. 11]. We were able to hold a short call. They said fire was opened at the house in which they are staying. They are talking about a lot of casualties and wounded people. We are concerned,” New Europe news agency reports.

Muhittin Kan, chair of Silvan branch of the Union of Associations of Turkish Craftsmen and Artisans, commenting on the development in the city noted  that some 10,000 residents have fled Silvan in a hurry, leaving their belonging behind.

“We don’t know whether they will come back because most of the houses belonging to them have been damaged,” Kan said and added that “the town is under fire. Reinforcements are still being sent here. We have been scattered. Craftsmen will not be able to recover even in the next 20 years, ” the Doğan News Agency

The Turkish armed forces attacked not only the Kurdish civilians in Silva city, but also in other Kurdish populated parts of the country. For example, in Silopii region of Turkey's Sirnak province 19 years old Kadri Senjerin was killed by the Turkish police. Later his body was tied to a car and dragged over the ground for 300 kilometers. On November 2, in Turkish Yüksekova city in a district of Hakkari Province of Turkey the police heavily wounded two Kurdish young men, who tried to resist the attack of the Turkish policemen.

Notwithstanding all these, the Turkish authorities continue to condemn terrorist actions beyond the borders of their country in an innocent way. After the Paris attacks  Turkish president declared "These attacks are not only aimed at the French people, but also democracy, freedom and universal values; terror has no religion, nation nor any value it represents," Hurriyet reports. One may ask Mr. President: how much democracy, freedom and universal values are respected in Turkey?



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