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Armenia Tree Project Joins the Global Climate Movement for the COP22

Armenia Tree Project Charitable Foundation, together with Impact Hub Yerevan is inviting to participate in "Ecopreneurs for the Climate" event which will take place at Impact Hub Yerevan, on October 24 at 7pm.  

The Global Week (October 24-30, 2016) of Green Business and the Climate Movement, comprising climate innovation discussions and the Climate Champion Awards, will take place in cities, towns and communities across the world. The mission is to foster environmentally friendly approaches and scale up green business solutions that tackle climate change.

On the day of International Climate Action ecopreneurs, social activists, organizations and mass media representatives will be gathered to share their experience, boost green business networks and generate more ideas.

The second major goal of the event is to give an opportunity to the ECO4CLIM’s change agents and the Global Winner to participate and spur eco-innovation and international collaboration at the Sustainable Innovation Forum at the COP22 (Marrakech, November 14-15).

While in Paris a groundbreaking deal - the Paris Agreement - was reached, Marrakech will initiate the work to effectively implementing it on the ground.  In this regard, the event is also aimed to create a global network, which will be reaching out to communities around the globe, and provide them with business solutions for the climate (mitigation and adaptation) and the people, by strengthening green economy ecosystems and empowering ecopreneurs and sustainable SMEs.

The half-day dynamic event will be wrapped up with the Climate Champion Awards. The pre-selected local green businesses and ecopreneurs will pitch their climate impacts to a diverse audience, focusing on the mitigation and adaptation/resilience solutions they provide; and a mixed jury (experts + audience) will decide the winners, and one Global Winner (picked up randomly in Barcelona) will share the ECO4CLIM ideas at COP 22.

The call for participation is now open for climate champions (ecopreneurs, SMEs, climate organizers, and global partners) to join this empowering "glocal" movement, and lead communities around the world to a climate-change-free and just future.

Overall, 8 participants will be chosen by October 20: 4 ecopreneurs and 4 social activists (either an individual or an organization) for the participation.

Event’s agenda is below:

  • Round of introductions (10 min.): participants briefly introduce their organizations
  • Presentation of partners (50 min.): attending partners share their vision and strategies on mitigation and adaptation to the changing climate
  • Climate innovation lab (1h): open co-creation session (different formats) with key stakeholders from the local green economy ecosystem to identify concrete challenges posed by climate change locally, and then outline opportunities for green business solutions
  • Break (15 min.)
  • Climate Champion Awards (45 min.)

Please register for participation by October 19. The audience entrance is free.  

Kindly keep in mind that the participants should deliver their presentations in English, in Pecha Kucha format (a presentation style in which 20 slides are shown for 20 seconds each (5 minutes in total). 

Armenia joins this initiative for the first time, and we hope you can make it!

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