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Trump's Top Priorities When He Takes the Office

Robyn Beck / AFP

Donald Trump has promised voters extensive changes to improve the US and to ''Make America Great Again'' as he loved to repeat.

He said that after taking the office, he will "very quickly" start to work on issues such as health care and immigration.

He said he would build a wall along the Mexican border. Pass the biggest tax cut since Ronald Reagan. Rewrite free trade agreements. Reduce Muslim migration. These pledges clearly struck a chord – they are probably why he won, - The Telegraph reports.

"We are, as you know, going to reduce taxes." The politician added: "I think we're going to make a number of absolutely impressive things for the American people."

Action to stimulate a stagnant economy will be Trump’s first priority. Get that right and much of the rest follows. In his election campaign, Trump proposed both tax cuts and a massive infrastructure programme.

As for the foreign policy, Trump's presidency promises a fundamental realignment of America’s relationship with the rest of the world and a scrambling of decades-old military alliances, international institutions and foreign policy priorities in an era of rising global instability. 

According to Los Angeles Times, it is unclear if Trump will choose advisors who will advocate a more conventional approach. Names the Trump campaign has circulated as possible Cabinet members so far do not include noted diplomats, experts or other successful veterans of foreign policy.

Trump offered mostly vague and contradictory national security nostrums during the campaign. In April, in his only foreign policy speech, he promised to be "reliable" and "unpredictable" on the world stage.

"I want to tell the world community that while we will always put America’s interests first, we will deal fairly with everyone, with everyone — all people and all other nations," he said. "We will seek common ground, not hostility, partnership, not conflict."

These conciliatory comments appeared in conflict with the provocative positions Trump struck during the long and hard-fought campaign. According to analysts, Trump turned 70 years of American foreign policy under both  Democratic and Republican administrations "on its head" during the campaign and now, as a President, it is really ''unpredictable'' what we will see in the foreign policy.

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