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Scripal's Poisoning: A Reason for Tense Relations Between London and Moscow?

Former Russian Colonel General Sergei Scripal, who was convicted for state treason, was found unconscious in Solsbury, Britain, on March 4, together with his daughter. Scripal was granted asylum in Britain in 2010 after agents exchange between Russia and the United States.

According to the British authorities, they have been poisoned by the neurotransmitter of Russian production. Speaking at the British Parliament, Prime Minister Tereza May directly blamed Russia, for Sergei Scripal and his daughter Yulia's poisoning. In response, the Russian Foreign Ministry denied the accusations.

The RF Embassy in London said in a formal statement addressed to Foreign Office that it was necessary to conduct a joint investigation, but the British side did not accept Russia's proposal, and instead introduced diplomatic and political measures against Russia:

Britain will force 23 Russian diplomats to leave the country,

Will cancel an invitation to visit London, sent to Sergey Lavrov,

Will have strict control over Russian citizens arriving in the UK

Britain's royal family and officials will not travel to Russia to attend the World Football Championship, BBC reports.

Rejecting Russia's offer for cooperation, official London has also refused to send a sample of nerve materials to Russia. This was stated by British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson.

Russian Foreign Ministry's Representative Maria Zakharova stated that rejecting their cooperation proposal, UK aims to conceal the real circumstances of the case.

As a result of this incident, relations between Moscow and London have got quite tense.

In addition, London got the support from the United States and France. In particular, the French Foreign Minister stated that they agree with the British authorities on the circumstances of the incident, and the US noted that the demand for the Russian diplomats to leave London is justified.

Against the backdrop of this tension, Russia may cut back on gas supplies to Britain as a response.

According to the official statement of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the responsibility for the escalation of relations between Moscow and London lies entirely on the UK.

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