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The New Reform Program a Cause for Panic in Greece

There is a tense political situation in Greece now. Though the majority of the Parliament voted for meeting the requirements of the creditors, there is a large number that opposed the expected reforms considering that it would be better for the country to exit the Eurozone, then to take this new socio-political burden.

229 of 300 deputies voted in favor of raising the retirement age and increase of taxes. The 32 deputies of those 64 that voted against were from the ruling Sirizia party. Very close people to the Foreign Minister of Greece, Tsipras were among those that voted against the requirements of the creditors - the Energy Minister Panagiotis Lafazanise and former Finance Minister Yannis Varufakise. Both are equally assured that they will always stand by Tsipras and will support him, but they could not agree with those requirements.

"I am at Prime Minister's disposal, and if I need to resign, I will resign immediately for him. I support Tsipras, the whole Siriza party, but not to vote for those requirements," noted Lafazanise. Varufakisn in his turn called the bill "New Versailles Treaty.”

As for the Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, he said that it was undoubtedly very difficult to take such a fateful decision, but he has taken full responsibility, thus avoiding to declare the country bankrupt and leaving the European institutions.

However, apart from the long, hot parliamentary night that would decide much for the country, there was a chaos in the streets of Athens. In addition, civic activists and opposition supporters had gathered in a number of central streets, directly in front of the parliament building, requiring not to sign the bill and "to leave the Greek people." Police forces dispersed the demonstrators using tear gas, which resulted in even greater aggression in the capital.

The reform program, which has caused so many controversies, was unexpectedly criticized by the International Monetary Fund, which has submitted a report stating a number of drawbacks of the third requirement package. IMF chief Christine Lagarde noted that this new program cannot pull Greece out of the crisis and called on his European counterparts to ease Greece's debt anyway, because it is not realistic that the country will be able to cover it in such circumstances.


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