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PACE: a Wedding Without Newlyweds

There are no weddings without a bride and a groom. There are no courts without a judge or a defendant. But PACE holds discussions on Karabakh - without the Karabakh people themselves, even without taking into account their opinion on this or that matter concerning their future or their current activities. The two anti-Armenian draft resolutions prepared by a deputy from the UK, Robert Walter titled  "Escalation of violence in Nagorno-Karabakh and the other occupied territories of Azerbaijan" and by an MP from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Milica Marković on Sarsang reservoir will be discussed tomorrow, on the second day of PACE Winter Session.

Sarsang reservoir is located on the territory of Karabakh. The author of the report, Marković has never visited the site of the reservoir, moreover her conclusions are based on the wards of "experts" who have never visited Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, have not seen the state of disrepair of the Sarsang dam, as well as are not familiar with the opinion of Karabakh people on this humanitarian problem. Naturally, the British reporter Walter has also not visited Karabakh, moreover, perhaps, he can find those "occupied territories", about which he writes in his report, on the map with quite difficulty.

There is no doubt that Walter has no imagination about the fact that these notorious territories has never been the result of the capturing aims of Karabakh army, and appeared as a result of the war – it was from these territories that bombings were systematically being carried out and the civilian population of Karabakh were being killed.

This gap of knowledge of PACE rapporteurs could be filled if we were aware that they are interested in knowing the truth. But, unfortunately, neither official handing of Turkish citizenship to the British Parliamentarian Walter by the Turkish Foreign Minister Cavusoglu (according to Turkish media) nor caviar diplomacy of Azerbaijan, which to put it mildly, influenced Ms. Marković’s position, do not leave any hope, that they are interested in knowing the truth about Karabakh.

The question here, most probably, is in something else - in the approach of PACE as a structure that advocates human rights - a structure, which understood it well, that in discussing  issues related to the unrecognized Kosovo or Northern Cyprus, the representatives of these regions should be invited to the discussion. And it is just impossible to hold discussions "from above", not wanting to listen to those who have something to say in defense of their position. This is not just un-European, but also inhuman.

On January 26 "a wedding without newlyweds" will take place in PACE. If the PACE deputies understand the awkwardness of the situation and the incorrectness of such a position, they will vote against the adoption of the anti-Armenian resolutions. If they vote "Yes", it would mean that the value system in the world is in a serious crisis. And such a crisis, alas, will not be solved with only good wishes from afar.

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