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Interesting Developments in the EU-Russia Relations

Russia-EU relations are developing in a quite interesting way. In the Economic Forum that is going on in Saint Petersburg, the European Commission head Jean-Claude Juncker is also taking part, which taking into consideration the current EU-Russia relations, seems quite strange.

"We can have no illusions about the problems weighing on our relationship today. They exist. It would be pointless, even dangerous, to ignore them. We must tackle them urgently," RT quotes Juncker. He also added that what Russia has done "has shaken the principles of European security."

Juncker’s presence in this forum and his words show that the EU is more than eager to restore relations with Russia. Taking into consideration the migrant crisis, as well as the almost failed EU-Turkey deal, the Union more than ever needs to restore its past economic ties, to be able to "swim" and not "drown." This eagerness to restore relations, however, is mutual, as Russia is also in quite difficult economic situation now.

"The experts that gather here are very interested in fixing relations between Russia and the West… The current crisis should help us, as well as the EU, understand how to proceed. We will neither take offense, nor go into isolation. We have carried out an inventory of our relations with the EU, drafted it on paper, and have an extensive document. We’ll give it to our colleagues and offer to conduct an inventory together," Lavrov said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, who also made a speech during the Forum, declared that the European business want to cooperate with Russia and the Western politicians should understand this and resume the level of cooperation.

"Regarding the sanctions, all Russia’s actions are reciprocal, we do not hold a grudge, but it is "not a one way road," the Russian leader said, Sputnik News reports.

The time, when Russia and the EU with the highest level talk about the restoration of good relation, particularly about the resumption of the level of cooperation in the sphere of economy, the EU extends some of its sanctions. The sanctions target imports from Crimea and investment there.

However, it should be noted that recently more and more countries in the EU talk about the need to lift the sanctions against Russia. U.S.-based Pew Research Center has carried out a survey among the people of the EU on the EU policy towards Russia. According to the survey, 51 percent of respondents said that they disapproved the EU’s stance, while 48 percent said that economic cooperation with Russia was more important than being tough with Moscow on foreign policy, The Moscow Times reports.

Both Russia and the EU understand that it will not be easy to restore the previous relations, as there are many issues to be solved before coming to that stage. However, the steps done until now and the statements made, show that at least there is a political will in both sides to at least try to resume the previous level of cooperation.

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