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Armenian Track in Vatican

Capital FM Kenya

The 2-meter long bronze statue of the Doctor of the Church Gregory of Narek will accomplish the series of the world famous art samples which have always been the subject of admiration for Vatican visitors. 

To remind, during the visit of Pope Francis to Armenia, the President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan presented the head of Catholic Church the miniature of Gregory of Narek as a symbol of Pope's pilgrimage to the first Christian country. At that time President Serzh Sargsyan expressed his hope that the larger version of the statue will be in Vatican soon. The offer of President Sargsyan was welcomed by Pope Francis and today the statue stands in Vatican.

It is important to note that in the northern niche of the largest Christian church, St. Peter's Basilica, the statue of the First Saint of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Gregory the Illuminator, also stands. The statue is devoted to the 1700th anniversary of declaring Christianity a state religion in Armenia and it was consecrated by Pope John Paul II on June 19, 2005. The statue is 5.7 meter-long marble sculpture. The Illuminator holds bronze Armenian Cross in his right hand and the statue of a Holy Bible in the left.

The statue was built after Pope John Paul II arrived in Armenia and was inspired by his visit to Khor-Virap, where Gregory the Illuminator was imprisoned for 14 years. In 2001, Vatican announced an international design contest for a marble statue of the Founder of the Armenian Church. Khachik Kazandjian, a founding member and the First President of the Society of Armenian Artists of France, won the contest.  Such famous works of art as the bronze statue of Saint Peter (author -  Arnolfo di Cambio), the Pietà by Michelangelo, Saint Andrew (author- Francois Duquesnoy),  Saint Veronica (author - Francesco Mochi),  Saint Helena ( author - Andrea Bolgi) and other saints are situated in Papal Basilica of St. Peter in the Vatican.

In addition, in 2008 Pope Benedict XVI named the northern yard of Vatican's St. Peter Church in honor of Gregory the Illuminator.

Continuing to show the presence of Armenian religion and art in Vatican, it is interesting to note that still when the square of St. Petros in Vatican did not exist, thousands of Armenians as pilgrims, traveled to Vatican to pray before the relics of St. Peter. There was even a guest house for Armenian visitors. As the Ambassador of Armenia to Holy See notes in a talk to Rome Reports, the priest responsible for that guest house, installed a cross stone at the entry, with traditional Armenian patterns. Although the guest house was closed long ago, hundreds years ago the cross stone was revealed and now is among the permanent exhibits of Vatican museum. In September of 2014, the President of Armenia participated in the opening ceremony of the cross stone in Vatican.

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