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Azerbaijan Uses the Technology of Information War Quite Well

Recently the Armenian side had another loss on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, because of the violation of ceasefire by the opponent. On the frontline the opponent combines its activities with diplomatic and information ones. Particularly Azerbaijan tries to make an impression that its "initiatives" are being supported by the international community, particularly by the mediators of the conflict.

The Azerbaijani media very frequently quotes the words of the foreign diplomats that "status quo is unacceptable" and it is necessary to come to the final settlement of the conflict. It is an accepted technology in the information war to say the half of the truth. The Azerbaijani sources very often forget to bring also those claims of the diplomats that the conflict should be settled only by peaceful means and the escalation of the conflict cannot be in the interests of either the parties involved, or the countries having interests in the region. That is to say, status quo can be changed only through negotiations.

If Azerbaijan hopes with the threat and the use of force make the Armenian sides or the mediators change their position on the principles and ways of conflict settlement in its favor, the life experience has shown that this approach also does not work. The more aggressive the opponent becomes, the more mediators start thinking that the people of Artsakh should be saved from the barbaric actions.

For every wounded or killed person from the Armenian side, Azerbaijan pays with double losses. Recently the Azerbaijani media disseminated information about three servicemen to be wounded. It is obvious that after the death of the Armenian serviceman, the Armenian side has undertaken counter-attack, causing damages to the opponent.  

The Azerbaijani aggression frees us and if in the future the opponent stands under the risk of reshaping its current territorial integrity, there are all basis to think that the international community will have an adequate idea, who is responsible for the "new status quo."



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