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For the First Time France Holds America-style Primaries: Why?

For the first time, both mainstream parties of the left and centre-right in France have held primaries to select their nominees for next year’s presidential election. In the past, French parties tended to agree on candidates behind closed doors, or after a narrow vote among members. Sometimes, unresolved rivalry led candidates from the same political family to run anyway, splitting the vote. This time, a new system is in place, The Economist explains.

On November 20 and 27, the centre-right Republicans hold their first election open to any supporter, who pays €2 and signs a charter of centre-right values. The Socialist Party follows with its two-round primary on January 22 and 29.

Formally, the parties explain this change by their desire to be more modern, open, transparent and fair.  But in reality, quite a different reason explains France’s decision to stage America-style primaries.

The matter is that Marine Le Pen, the radical leader of the ''National Front'' is a favourite to win the first round in April 2017, which means that the left and centre-right may be competing for a single place in the run-off against her. In the past, parties could afford to use the first round of a presidential election to filter rival candidates from the same party. But now neither party can risk division by fielding more than one candidate. 

Interestingly enough, Le Pen has become one of the most obvious international beneficiaries of a Donald Trump Presidency in the USA.

After the US elections, French wondered whether ''Trump effect'' could boomerang in France, Voice of America informs.

Trump’s election is frightening many politicians as the U.S. election results prove just how wrong predictions can be.

As elsewhere in Europe, Trump’s win has been resonating as a wakeup call in France, triggering fears — and hopes — that next spring’s presidential elections may deliver a similar upset.

Voters in US, France and elsewhere are nowadays worried about their jobs, fearful of the immigration, globalization and militant Islam. These concerns are powering a hunger for new faces and new solutions.

All of this has sent the newly-elected favourites Juppe, Fillon and other mainstream candidates to rebrand, eager to ditch their insider image.

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