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Tsipras Proposes a New Plan

Nowadays, the international public and global media are all focused on the Greek referendum results, the possible outcomes of it, the latest developments and the future scenarios the current situation may face.

The European Union high officials, including the EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and the EU Parliament leader Martin Schulz have both declared that though the Greek people voted ''No'' to the creditors' demands and though the latter respect their will, they do not want Greece to leave the Eurozone, let alone the EU.

''I am against a "Grexit", the role of the European Commission is to avoid it and to come to a compromise at last,'' cites Juncker, then adding Schulz's words: ''Sunday’s referendum outcome must not be underestimated, but a "Grexit" should not  be a goal.''

The leaders of France and Germany also share the same opinion. They are for further negotiations, but also underline that time is running out.

This, of course, has nothing to do with the sympathy towards Greece, a number of experts mention, but rather the fear that the referendum outcomes could also result in the same situation in other Mediterranean states, namely Italy, Spain and Portugal.

Besides, the EU leaders fear of the Russian possible influence on Greece. It is not a secret that these days RF President Vladimir Putin does almost everything to ''help and support'' Tsipras out of this difficult situation. Though the Greek Prime Minister does not give up yet staying quite loyal to his European family, the EU leaders are rather cautious and do not want Greece to accept Russia's aid preferring to go to compromises with Tsipras.

The latter understands it quite well and especially now, when backed up by his own people, he became even more stubborn and decisive. He has even proposed a new plan at the Eurozone emergency summit today which includes substantial debt relief.

As the Independent reports, the Greek government wants a 30 per cent debt write off either through a direct write-off or changes to the repayment terms.

The creditors will surely not approve such an ''absurd'' plan but anyway they will try to relief the Greek financial burden, especially when the US tell to do so every now and then, talking both to the EU and the Greek side and forcing them regularly to reach an agreement at last.

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