There is some progress in Armenia-Turkey relations: FM Mirzoyan
The Republic of Armenia is ready and is currently discussing the transfer of essential goods in the form of humanitarian aid to the earthquake-affected regions of Turkey and Syria...
The Republic of Armenia is ready and is currently discussing the transfer of essential goods in the form of humanitarian aid to the earthquake-affected regions of Turkey and Syria...
"Soon a meeting is expected on the border between representatives of respective ministries of the two countries to discuss the implementation of the two agreements reached in July. These agreements are the launch of the direct air cargo transportation and opening of the [land] border for citizens of third countries," Hunanyan said.
They include recognition of each other’s territorial integrity, demarcation of borders, etc.
"Third Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan's point of view regarding the first RA President Levon Ter-Petrosyan's assessment of the Catholicos's initiative of a meeting of the former presidents of Armenia and NKR in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, including the effectiveness of the meetings, will be published as a result of discussions with other interested parties-participants of the meetings.
Last month, Turkey and Armenia decided to begin direct air-cargo trade and open their land borders to third-country citizens as soon as possible.
A number of issues regarding the regional security were also discussed.
“Since the beginning of the process, Armenia has been very constructive, Armenia has the political will, and the success of this process depends on the political will of Turkey. As you can see, up to this point there has not been much progress” he said.
This is an important additional channel for establishing a dialogue and developing multifaceted cooperation between the countries of the region and their neighbors.
According to the State Department, the interlocutors discussed the normalization of Turkish-Armenian relations and additional steps the US could take to support these efforts.
The Turkish Pegasus airline will also operate the route, again three times per week.
"Normalization of relations and opening of communications is an important objective that the European Union fully supports", he said on Twitte
Armenia and Turkey have appointed their special representatives.
Armenia’s special envoy for the dialogue process with Turkey is Ruben Rubinyan, and Turkey’s representative is former ambassador to US Serdar Kilic.
In the recent period there has been a perceptible change in Turkey’s aggressive rhetoric towards Armenia...
Discussing this distorted interpretation, I think, does not even bring us honor because we know the history very well. Armenia’s Foreign Minister Zohrab Mnatsakanyan stated this in an interview with the state-run Public Television, and referring to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's spokesman and chief adviser Ibrahim Kalin's statement that the signing of the Armenian-Turkish protocols was...
Surp Giragos and Mar Petyun Chaldean Churches had been awaiting restoration by the community foundations, which were unable to carry out the task due to insufficient funds.
Turkey rules out rapprochement with Armenia without final peace over Artsakh
Armenia is ready for negotiations for the regulation of relations but not through coercion and threats or by blockade, Pashinyan said.
Swiss Public TV – RTS – has released excerpts from the interview with Armenian President Armen Sarkissian.
The Turkish side, which at the time adopted the thesis of regulating all the problems with the neighbors, could not essentially reject the Armenian side's proposal, as a result of which the Zurich Protocols were signed.
To note the protocols were pre-signed on October 10, 2009, but were not ratified by Turkey that brought forward a number of preconditions.
It is obvious that Ankara has started a campaign of distorting the facts and the reality concerning the Armenian-Turkish protocols to mislead the international community and to blame Armenia for the failure of the process.
’’We have put a condition for the normalization of relations with Armenia that this country will leave the Azerbaijani territories and after that the relations can be normalized,” Cavusoglu said.
However, up to now, those documents have not been ratified, since Turkey came up with groundless preconditions that run counter to the letter and spirit of the Protocols.
"We heard from Coşkun İğci, who worked at the Soil Products Office, that [Yasin] Hayal was planning the killing of Hrant Dink,” Yıldız, who is being tried under arrest in the case, said at the 14th Istanbul Heavy Penal Court.
She stressed that after the death of Hrant Dink the issues of Armenians living in Turkey became more visible and discussed.
The trial will continue from December 4 to 8.
"I met with Armenian FM Edward Nalbandian, PM Karen Karapetyan, and will meet President Sargsyan. I know their readiness to open the door for a dialogue, yet the same readiness is expected from Turkey. I will speak to Turkish ministers upon my return. We should exert efforts to slightly open that door."
"Only democratic Turkey can recognize the Armenian Genocide, likewise only democratic Turkey may open the border with Armenia," Paylan stated, adding the matter should not be passed to coming generations since four generations have struggled for achieving justice.
Titled "Mutual Trust, Unity and Responsibility", the event is slated for September 18-20, while the concert dedicated to the 10th anniversary of a TV series, "Of Armenian Descent", will be held as part of the conference on September 19.
The official slammed co-chair of Germany’s Green party Cem Ozdemir using the word "Armenian" as an insult on his Twitter.
The Mass bears importance for the community as it is the first time they were able to pray in the historic church in 95 years.
Turkey is returning to the former state in the Armenian Question and Kurdish Question when they were taboo.
According to the package, those lawmakers who will "insult the history and common past of the Turkish nation" will be penalized. According to the newspaper, the use of the "Armenian Genocide" term while speaking about the "1915 events" will be perceived as an "insult".
Dink was best known for advocating Turkish–Armenian reconciliation and human and minority rights in Turkey; he was often critical of both Turkey's denial of the Armenian Genocide, and of the Armenian diaspora's campaign for its international recognition.
Aram I said this is the high time to pass from the recognition to reparation stage, on this way not forgetting about the importance of the Armenian Genocide recognition.
The Armenian-Turkish closed border and the isolation of Armenia is a vivid expression of aggression against Armenia, which contradicts the principles of international law. This along with many other factors justifies the necessity to re-launch the mission of PACE monitoring in Turkey.
It turns out that Germany, without rejecting the important decision, gives the necessary impetus to Turkey that in its turn gets a chance to interpret the German authorities’ statement in its favor.
But there were no discussions with Armenia.
If Turkey tries to use its community in Germany as leverage, then will increase the number of those against the visa-free regime with Turkey. Besides it will also impact the process of Turkey’s EU integration – making it even slower.
His main mission became achieving the recognition of the Genocide of 1915, which the Turkish state is still trying to hide from their own people.
The boundaries of the permissible, as many Germans think, were violated when Chancellor Angela Merkel went under pressure from Ankara and agreed to prosecute satirist Ian Bemermana, who offended the Turkish President Erdogan.
The MPs from the Justice and Development Party (AKP) and Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) took part in the drawl.
A senior Obama Administration official announced that the US Embassy in Ankara and consulates in Adana and Istanbul are closely following the decision of the Turkish Council of Ministers in recent days.
In April, 2015 Pope Francis called the massacre of up to 1.5 million Armenians in 1915 the First Genocide of the 20th century.
To show his "constructiveness" the Prime Minister of Turkey Davutoglu in 2014 appointed as his Chief Advisor an Armenian - Etyen Mahçupyan, who in March 2015 speaking at the British Parliament, called the massacres of 1915 Genocide. "I am not a nationalist, but talking about 1915 genocide I call it Armenian Genocide," Mahçupyan said and several days later was dismissed from his post.
The Turkish Prime Minister also thanked the United States for holding rallies denying the Armenian Genocide.
SAID has been working with the Armenian tourism sector since the early 2000s. Primarily, it has focused on improving service quality and building the capacity of Armenia’s tourism sector.
There is a permanent 24-hour shift there with hundreds of young activists claiming that they would not leave until the camp is returned to the Armenian fund. In fact, there has been such a promise, but no specific legal actions were carried out to return the camp.
This shows that Turkey is still not ready to face its history, to stop keeping its society in a lie, a society, which slowly understands that what its government is telling about the events of 1915 is not the ultimate truth and this can be questioned.
When asked if she would “denounce or decry or criticize” Erdogan for his criticism of homosexuals, Armenians and journalists, she responded “Absolutely.”
This parliamentary election may be one of the most important elections in recent Turkish political history.
Before being baptized the 17 Dersim-Armenians have passed 6-months courses organized by the Armenian Patriarchate of Constantinople with the aim of giving them more information about their own nation.
The man, who is using the territory of the church as a parking lot, has applied to the relevant authorities and got the permission for turning the church into a hotel.
Commissioner Johannes Hahn explained Ankara's "very harsh" reaction on the issue in the context of elections coming up in June.
According to Foreign Minister of Belgium Didier Reinders, his country for many years urges Armenia and Turkey to work together.
BBC’s 60 second video briefly explains what happened to the Armenians "at one of the darkest periods of the 20th century".
A country which is always trying to become a third party in various cases has no moral right to come up with such criticism.
EU calls countries to "consider the adoption of additional meaningful steps that would pave the way for a full reconciliation."
Ankara Mayor Melih Gökçek had filed a criminal complaint against Armenian journalist Hayko Bağdat, claiming that the latter insulted him by posting lighthearted tweets on his Twitter account referring to the mayor as an Armenian in the aftermath of the March 2014 local elections in Turkey.
As April24 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide approaches Turkey's statements are becoming more desperate and senseless, Balayan wrote.