Biden called Putin a Very Calculating Man
Putin had thought he would break up NATO and break up the European Union.
Putin had thought he would break up NATO and break up the European Union.
Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia is among 58 figures earmarked for sanctions related to the Russia-Ukraine war, Agence France-Presse reported on May 4.
Many countries have joined these sanctions, even if this necessarily implies economic costs for ourselves," he noted.
Sergei Lavrov told a press conference there were "other explanations" over who may have targeted the former Russian double agent in Salisbury.
At the end of June, Moscow announced that it was no longer going to pay membership fees to the Council of Europe until the rights of the Russian delegation are not restored in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.
Despite the fact that several EU members have repeatedly voiced disapproval of anti-Russian sanctions policy and called for lifting them, which harm their states' trade with Russia, Brussels continues to prolong the restrictions on Moscow.
Shein also thanked Israel for its neutrality with regard to Russian-Ukrainian relations and added that Russia's relationship with Israel was not influenced by the latter's ties to the United States.
It is noteworthy, that Trump signed the bill behind closed doors, without the fanfare that has customarily accompanied his signing of executive orders.
The White House is concerned that the legislation would tie its hands on U.S.-Russia relations, a sentiment publicly expressed by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.
An early supporter of Trump, Michael Flynn has been a leading advocate to improve U.S. relations with Russia and Turkey...which in the end led to his resignation.
Russia's military interventions, first in Ukraine, then in Syria, were high on the EU summit agenda in Brussels.
Ukraine needs to live up to its promises economic and political reforms.
This was declared by Mogherini.
MPs have concluded that the sanctions had a negative impact on the Russian economy, but on the military as their effect was minimal.
A group of Italian legislators urged Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi to submit the issue of extension of anti-Russian sanctions.
A note to this effect was published in the Official Journal of the European Union, the bloc’s main source of legal content.
The steps done until now and the statements made, show that at least there is a political will in both sides to at least try to resume the previous level of cooperation.
Member Countries of the Union work with Moscow in areas, where they have common interests, such as Syria, Iran or Libya.
The actions and policies addressed in the Executive Orders continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.
The corresponding resolution on the anti-Russian sanction was passed by the European Parliament on 4th of February.
"Our goal is to have the opportunity to lift the sanctions against Russia this summer, if the Minsk agreements are respected," Interfax quotes him.
In retaliation for Kiev's sanctions and its EU free trade deal Russia...
he EU, the US and their allies imposed several anti-Russian sanctions in 2014...
The EU, the US and their allies imposed several anti-Russian sanctions...
Sanctions against Russia can be removed only if the Minsk peace deal on Ukraine...
The White House spokesman reiterated that sanctions against Russia must remain in place until full implementation of the Minsk agreements is achieved.
Aviation authorities of Russia and Ukraine held expert consultations on air service in Brussels ...
We remain fully open to a resumption of a full-scale cooperation with the European Union and the United States.
The ban will last until the restrictions on the Ukrainian airlines imposed by the aviation authorities of the Russian Federation are lifted...
The question of more sanctions is not on the agenda...
"Europe should not continue maintaining sanctions against Russia. These sanctions were not effective in the political sense," Nazarbayev said in an interview with the French newspaper Figaro.
Aeroflot and Transaero are among the banned airlines.
We hope very much that the restrictions that the West has introduced against Russia...
According to the German weekly Der Spiegel, the administration of the Ukrainian president was dissatisfied with the fact that BBC staff held parade dedicated to the 70th anniversary of World War II...
The President also noted that he wants to organize a meeting of leaders of Normandy Four in Paris before the 70th UN General Assembly, which opens in New York on September 15.
Service centers are currently scheduled to be opened by the end of 2016.
Estonia and Poland are similar in realizing the sense of security...
We held that position last year and we are not going to change it this year
On July 29, 6 countries - Montenegro, Albania, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Ukraine joined the prolonged economic sanctions against Russia.
The Chairman of the French National Assembly refused to participate in the session of the big commission as one of the French lawmakers is on the Russian "stop-list".
The new draft law on that occasion provides introduction of the relevant reciprocal measures.
The plan to impose sanctions against Russia will damage Europe, increase instability and bring new threats.
Russia is not expecting a soon change in the hostile policies it’s subject to, President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting of the country’s Security Council.
The New Development Bank, also known as the BRICS Bank, is one of two international development multilateral banks that China is promoting as an alternative to western institutions such as the World Bank.
The EU Council at the Foreign Ministers’ level extended the economic sanctions against Russia for six months.
The most interesting part of the Foreign Ministry statement however, was the part where it considered EU "cynical" to make such a decision on this very day, June 22, the day in 1941 when Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union.
During an EU Council meeting in Luxembourg the EU Foreign Ministers approved the extension of the sanctions.
Russia’s Gazprom and UniCredit Bank Austria reached an agreement on a €300 million four-year loan.
The fact that Russia provides Europe with gas is a major obstacle that makes Europe unable to strengthen further sanctions against Russia.
Russia has emphasized its 'in kind' principle several times.
''The Russian blacklist not only disrespects the European Parliament, but it is an insult to the EU as a whole, which bases international cooperation on transparent and peaceful dialogue''.
Instead O’Sullivan noted that only EU candidate countries can be expected to come in line with the sanctions policy, “which is not yet the case for any of the Eastern Partnership countries.”
G7 needed Russia to resolve existing global conflicts, including those in Ukraine, Syria, Iraq and Libya.
Both the Russians and the Western leaders have made a spate of political blunders when dealing with the situation around Ukraine.
Relations between the West and Moscow have changed, but this fact should not affect cooperation in areas untouched by sanctions.
The most interesting part of the meeting was when the Pentagon urged Greece to extend anti-Russian punishment and sanctions.
Unless Russia accepts the principles of the International Law and acts correspondingly, return to G8 is impossible for us,- Angela Merkel.
He said that Russia hardly supports the implementation of Minsk Agreements.
NATO will continue to protect and defend each ally against any threats.
The European parliamentarians demand to critically review relations between the EU and Russia, as Russia does not preserve principles of democracy and human rights.
The permanent representative has already expressed his view, that he does not count neither on termination changes, nor on strengthening the EU sanctions against Russia at least until mid-summer.
The treatment has not changed, according to Steinmeyer the road to G8 for Russia leads through refusing from the Crimea.
The President of Croatia Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović refused to participate in the official events commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the great Patriotic war in Moscow.
According to the press-secretary, during his visit to Moscow the president will pay tribute to the warriors who fell for independence of Czechoslovakia.
Czeck PM thinks that in case the agreements are violated, the EU may consider strengthening the sanctions.