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Recognition Path of the Armenian Genocide Through 2018-2019

104 years after the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire this atrocity has not yet been fully recognized by the international community.

The recognition process through 2018-2019 has been relatively passive.

Thus, on February 16, 2018 the House of Representatives of the Netherlands recognized the Armenian Genocide and adopted a resolution according to which the person holding the post of state secretary shall visit Tsitsernakaberd. The majority of the Representatives voted for recognizing the 1915 Armenian genocide.

On April 25, the city of Alcorcón in Spain officially recognized and condemned the Armenian Genocide. The resolution reads, "The Armenian Genocide was the first genocide of the 20th century. With this institutional statement the Alcorcón City Hall recognizes this crime against humanity, which took the lives of one and half million Armenians, and as a result two million people left their homeland." The city council also expresses its support to the Armenian nation and calls on the central authorities of Spain to recognize and condemn the Armenian Genocide.

On November 23 of 2018, the city council of the English city of Derby unanimously adopted the resolution on recognizing the Armenian Genocide. The resolution reads that the council recognizes the massacres of Armenians of 1915-1918 as genocide against Armenians. The council also call on the government to discuss the recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

President of France Emanuele Macron at the annual dinner of the coordinating council of the Armenian Organizations of France, which took place on February 5, 2019, declared April 24 as the national day of remembrance of the Armenian Genocide. Macron also said he had personally informed Erdogan of his decision. France recognized the Armenian Genocide in 2001 and in 2016 criminalized the denial of the Armenian Genocide.

At the March 18 sitting of the regional council of the Italian province of Lazio, the resolution on recognizing the Armenian Genocide as a historical reality ahead of the 104th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide was unanimously adopted. In the document the council members express their support to the Armenian nation in the struggle for historical truth and human rights. Lazio is the 136th local self-governing body of Italy that recognizes the Armenian Genocide.

On March 20, 2019 The US state of Alabama recognized the Armenian Genocide and thus became the 49th state in a row with only Mississippi not having recognized the genocide against the Armenian people.

On April 11, 2019, the Chamber of Deputies of Italy adopted a resolution which calls on the authorities to officially recognize the Armenian Genocide and voice the issue at international levels.

On April the city council of the Spanish city of Burgos recognized the Armenian Genocide. All the political groups of the council unanimously approved of the petition of recognizing the Armenian Genocide.

On April 15, the Montreal City Council passed a resolution (statement) at the special session on the occasion of the 104th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. The text of the resolution particularly reads that the 1915 Armenian Genocide was the first genocide of the 20th century during which two thirds of the Armenian nation became martyrs. In 2019, April 24 is to be announced Armenian Genocide Commemoration Day Montreal. On that day the city hall will deliver a special message, paying tribute to the victims of the Genocide and expressing its support to the Armenian people.

About 30 countries of the world, the European Parliament as well, 49 of the US states, territorial and local authorities of different countries, international organizations have officially recognized the Armenian Genocide.

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