Putin Has Phone Talk With Iran President
The political settlement in Syria was initiated by Russia, Turkey and Iran, who also vowed to act as guarantors of the settlement of the Syrian conflict.
The political settlement in Syria was initiated by Russia, Turkey and Iran, who also vowed to act as guarantors of the settlement of the Syrian conflict.
The negotiations, aimed at bringing the US back into the deal and Iran to full compliance with it, had stalled for about two months.
"Because of the way that the Iranians approached and participated in the last round of talks, the President asked the national security team to be prepared in the event that diplomacy fails and to take a look at other options. And that has been work that has been ongoing, including in consultation with a range of partners around the world. In terms of what next steps — it looks like, I don’t think...
"Despite the fact that the West is not implementing its commitments, Iran, for the sake of demonstrating its good will and with an eye of the lifting of the unilateral and illegal sanctions, is again ready for resultative 4+1 talks (Russia, China, France, the United Kingdom, and Germany - TASS) to reach a good agreement. Iran has good will and is set for successful talks," he said.
The United States said it was disappointed but remained ready to “re-engage in meaningful diplomacy” and would consult with the other major powers to seek a way forward.
Meanwhile, US President Joe Biden said the US would not lift sanctions to bring Iran to talks.
The incident had "caused significant damage, but there were no casualties".
She went on to say that since the beginning of the pandemic, institutes like Pasteur have had a significant and fundamental role in the field of healthcare.
Addressing a cabinet session on Wednesday, Rouhani said the White House keeps talking about readiness for talks with Iran and advises Tehran not to wait for the result of the US presidential election.
Russia and China, which hold vetoes on the council and are parties to the nuclear deal, are believed to be eager to sell armaments to Iran.
The move by the Trump administration, which in 2018 withdrew from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal and reimposed sanctions on Iran, will allow non-proliferation work to continue at the Arak heavy-water research reactor, the Bushehr nuclear power plant, the Tehran Research Reactor and other nuclear facilities.
Iran has gradually scaled back its commitments under the nuclear deal in retaliation to Washington’s withdrawal from the pact in 2018 and its reimposition of sanctions that have crippled the country’s economy.
After the mechanism is implemented, Iran would be given 15 days to resolve the dispute with the three European signatories to the nuclear deal.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Tuesday called on U.S. President Donald Trump to replace the Iranian nuclear deal with his own new agreement.
The UK, Germany and France will notify the EU on Tuesday that they are launching a dispute resolution mechanism as part of the implementation of the Iranian deal (JCPOA), Reuters reported referring to the two European diplomatic sources.
The agreement has been unraveling since Trump pulled the United States from it.
The statement comes hours after UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said that he would be looking "hard" at what happens next with the Iranian nuclear deal following Tehran's refusal to comply with the JCPOA.
He said Iran has no other option but to defy those who imposed sanctions on Tehran, “but we have not closed the window on talks.”
“At the same time, upon information & belief, Iran is, & has been, enriching uranium. THAT WOULD BE A VERY BAD STEP!,” he said.
According to Behrouz Kamalvandi, Iran’s stockpile of enriched uranium, now around 500 kilograms, would increase by some 6 kilograms per day with the resumption of enrichment at Fordow.
"I repeat here once again: We will never let Iran develop nuclear weapons. This is not only for our security and our future; it’s for the future of the Middle East and the world,״ he added.
The centrifuges would be injected with the uranium gas as of Wednesday, Rouhani said.
Salehi made the announcement to state TV on the 40th anniversary of the takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran.
Iran will never hold talks with the United States and Washington's policy of maximum pressure on Tehran will fail, the country's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Tuesday.
After an Oval Office meeting on Monday when the idea came up, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin voiced his support for the move as a way to restart negotiations with Iran, some of the people said. Later in the day, Trump decided to oust Bolton, whose departure was announced Tuesday.
Pompeo made the comments at a news briefing to unveil new sanctions on groups including Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.
The Iranian diplomat also said that during the visit, cooperation between Iran and the IAEA in three fields of the implementation of the JCPOA safeguards, the Additional Protocol, and Safeguards Agreement were reviewed.
Specifically, Iran would start to develop centrifuges to speed up its uranium enrichment, without overstepping, as yet, the limits set under the nuclear deal.
“Either Europe has to buy oil from Iran or provide Iran with the equivalent of selling oil as a credit line guaranteed by Iran’s oil revenues, which in some sense means a pre-sale of oil,” Araqchi added.
Iran said on Monday it would further scale back its commitments under the 2015 nuclear deal if European parties failed to shield Tehran’s economy from sanctions reimposed by the United States since President Donald Trump exited the deal last year
Iran will come back to full compliance with the accord’s terms once it can sell oil and have full access to its revenues, the minister said.
Zarif has in the past said that a so-called “B-team” including Trump’s national security adviser John Bolton, an ardent Iran hawk, and conservative Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu could goad Trump into a conflict with Tehran.
The Wednesday meeting in Vienna witnessed the US isolation, the ambassador noted.
The threats to ramp up enrichment, made by Tehran’s nuclear agency spokesman, would go far beyond the small steps Iran has taken in the past week to nudge stocks of fissile material just beyond limits in the pact that Washington abandoned last year.
It had already surpassed the uranium stockpile limit set in the accord on July 1.
Rouhani called on Europe and the United States to go back to logic and to the negotiating table.
The United States will significantly tighten the sanctions regime against Iran on Monday, June 24, according to President Donald Trump.
Earlier, US Special Envoy for Iran, Brian Hook, said that Washington would impose restrictions on individuals or legal entities that would attempt to circumvent US sanctions against Iran.
Iran FM Held Talks with British, Norwegian Counterparts
America never remains loyal to its promises in talks.
“A delegation of ours is in the United States right now and negotiations are being held on a series of matters including the sanctions issue. I think a good outcome will emerge from this dialogue. We will be continuing this trade as we cannot possibly leave our citizens in dark,” Hurriyet Daily reported quoting the minister.
They also bar trading in cars and metals and minerals that include gold, steel, coal and aluminium. Iran will also be barred from buying US and European aircraft.
In connection with recent developments in Iran's nuclear program, "Armedia" IAA talked to the expert, Armen Israelyan.
Iran's nuclear program chief Ali Akbar Salehi also responded to Pompeо's statement, noting that Iran will continue to follow the nuclear program agreement if the European Union compensates for the damage Tehran will face as a result of US sanctions.
"We disagree with the method because this collection of sanctions, which will be set up against Iran, will not enable dialogue and on the contrary it will reinforce the conservatives and weaken President (Hassan) Rouhani. This posture risks endangering the region more," Le Drian told France Inter radio.
Mohammed Javad Zarif made the comments on Sunday in Iran's capital, Tehran, during a meeting with Miguel Arias Canete, the EU's commissioner for energy and climate.
"The Europeans have between 45 and 60 days to give the necessary guarantees to safeguard Iranian interests and compensate the damages caused by the US pullout," the New Arab reports.
"We maintain military options because of Iran's bellicose statements and threats," he said at a hearing of the Senate Defense Appropriations subcommittee, and "those plans remain operant."
Macron told the German daily Der Speigel that the worst-case scenario would be for Trump to withdraw fully from the deal. "That would mean opening Pandora’s box, it could mean war," he said.
Pompeo said the information indicates that a nuclear deal signed between Iran and six world powers in 2015 was not built on good faith.
After the United States has resumed sanctions against Iran, the expediency of Iran may be a serious challenge for Iran, especially in the case of Iran's opponents. The expediency of the deal can be seriously questioned for Iran, especially that there are many opponents of the deal in Iran also.
The European Union is also against the US intentions to abolish the nuclear deal. The EU notes that even if the US withdraws from the agreement, they will still remain faithful to the spirit of the agreement.
"Congress has four months to fix the flaws of the JCPOA to permanently block Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons capability," said Representative Roskam.
Trump administration is working on a legislative fix that could enable the United States to remain in the Iran nuclear deal, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said in an interview with The Associated Press on Friday
President Donald Trump said Saturday that he was "handed a mess" with North Korea and that he wanted to try a new Mideast peace plan before moving the U.S. Embassy, while slamming the "fake news" media for its coverage of his visit to hurricane-ravaged Puerto Rico.
As the source reports according to Trump the deal it is not in the national interest of the United States.
"If Washington decides to pull out of the nuclear deal, Iran will withdraw too," Al Jazeera TV wrote on its Twitter feed, quoting the minister.
Video footage aired by the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) on Friday showed the missile launched from an unknown location.
Addressing the parliament, Rouhani called on Zarif to make all necessary diplomatic efforts to protect the JCPOA from the attempts of Israel, the United States and several Middle Eastern countries to undermine the agreement.
"Iran could quit the nuclear deal within hours if the US imposes more sanctions," Rouhani said, according to Iran's state-run Press TV.
U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Wednesday accused Iran of "alarming ongoing provocations" to destabilise countries in the Middle East as the Trump administration launched a review of its policy towards Tehran that will include the 2015 nuclear deal.
In connection with this it is hard to say what will happen next, but it is an obvious fact that Armenia was better cooperating with Iran, when it was in isolation.
It should be noted that such preventive measures by the United States threaten the implementation of the nuclear deal. And in such atmosphere of distrust Iran is developing a plan of action in case of failure of the nuclear deal with the West.
According to US administration, the president would not support initiatives that might undermine the nuclear deal with Tehran. Nevertheless, White House spokesman Josh Earnest failed to give any definite answer about the future of the bill.
The two additional plants are also set to be built in the port city of Bushehr in southern Iran in additional to the one that is already operational, The Times of Israel reports.
The United States, six other world powers and Iran finished nearly two years of negotiations on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on July 14, 2015.
"We do not break the contract, but if the other side will break it, then we will burn all the papers concerning it", - Khamenei said in a statement.
Iranian authorities claim that the ballistic missile tests contradict neither to the joint comprehensive action program, nor the UN Security Council resolution №2231.
Thus if we turn to the importance of these elections first of all we are to state that in this eight-year term the Assembly of experts is more likely to elect a new Supreme leader. The assumption is based on the circulating rumors that present Supreme leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, is ill with a cancer.
Ravanchi noted that such negotiations will be scheduled once every six months in Tehran and Brussels.
Armenia’s active initiatives, new ideas and intensive work are needed both at state and private sector level.
The US sanctions against Iran's ballistic missile programme... have no legal or moral legitimacy.
Ahead of this, Iran has already released the Washington Post journalist, Jason Rezaian, imprisoned in Iran for more than a year. Earlier it was reported that three other dual-national prisoners were also released.
According to him, unfreezing of the assets and the opening of blocked banking channels will be positive news for Iran, and have a positive impact on its economy.
According to the source, they also talked about tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia triggered by the execution by the Saudis of a Shi'ite cleric.
From this point of view Armenia can have a key role in the implementation of future cooperation between Iran and the Eurasian Economic Union, taking into consideration the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin during his visit to Iran said the EEU will begin considering the possibilities of creating a free trade zone with Iran.
A senior US administration official in his turn stressed that sanctions had already been imposed over the UN ban on ballistic missile launches but more Iranian entities could be blacklisted.
US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton announced that US is ready...
The last round of Syria talks in Vienna in which United Nations, Russia, France, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey and the United Nations participated was held in November 14. ..
However, Iran and the European countries have already started working to create a base for the new cooperation after the lifting of sanctions. The frequent visits of European delegations to Tehran during the recent months can prove this claim.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has given a final approval to the construction of over 400 new housing units in the West Bank,
If the US Congress submits new sanctions against Tehran, the latter will not carry out agreements reached with the six world powers on its nuclear program...
In addition, legislators called for the creation of highly professional Committee to monitor the implementation of the joint comprehensive plan...
We have launched preliminary work...
There were some proposals that the UN should initiate new sanctions against Iran. But as Al-Jazeera notes, the UN must receive the consent of all the members of the Security Council to start any investigation. Russia and China will hardly join the Western countries. And their request will probably stay on paper.
However, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has warned the government to be vigilant, saying the United States cannot be trusted.
It shoud be noted that last week Iran announced that it had successfully tested new ballistic missiles of local production which greatly increases Iran's strategic deterrence capability. However, ballistic missile tests by Iran are banned under Security Council resolution 1929, which was adopted in 2010.
Abbas Araqhchi and Majid Takht-e Ravanchi, arrived in Vienna to participate in the first meeting of the P5+1 and Iran commission on the implementation ...
The EU today adopted the legislative framework for lifting all of its nuclear-related economic and financial sanctions. It will take effect on Implementation Day, simultaneously with the IAEA-verified implementation of agreed nuclear measures by Iran.
''We have looked into the facts and it now does appear that the missile launch that Iran conducted did violate U.N. Security Council resolutions,'' U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power told.
“Now, we are moving to the implementation stage, and it is essential that we will maintain our vigilance, our unity of approach and our common purpose,” Kerry stated in a speech at Indiana University.
The bill is now to be submitted to a clerical body for final approval and passage into law.
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and his Japanese counterpart Fumio Kishida agreed to expand cooperation in the field of nuclear safety after...
"In Israel, we never forget one thing – we never forget that the most important partner that Israel has has always been and will always be the United States of America. The alliance between Israel and the United States is unshakable."
As far as the agreement is concerned, it is on the right track...
US President Barack Obama ''looks forward'' to hosting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House on November 9...
Notwithstanding the fact whether the article in reality has became the cause of canceled visit or not, it proves that after the deal Iran feels freer to slam its neighbors and the West in general for their mistakes in the region and is not going to close eyes on their initiatives that is against its interests in the region.
Democrats managed to save their long cherished project which aroused strong dissatisfaction and opposition among the Republican Party.
Efforts to derail the Iran nuclear agreement was blocked in the US Senate.
In addition Minister noted that Despite the fact that a number of Western states were not in favor of Assad's rule, which is being supported by Russia and Iran, the West is unlikely to cope with the ISIL without the assistance of this two countries.
In spite of the fact that the US Congress could still oppose the deal, Obama has now enough votes to override any resolution of disapproval.
Neighboring Iran is preparing for mass military exercises.
Finally if one takes into consideration the fact that the deal has already been endorsed by the UN Security Council and the EU, no matter which of the scenarios the developments on the deal will follow in the US Congress, its consequences will largely be internal and will affect US national politics at the eve of presidential elections.
US and Israeli governments have been discussing for months security cooperation issues...
"We discussed this issue in detail with Russia’s minister of industry and trade [Denis Manturov]. The talks were very constructive. We hope for a positive outcome on this issue," Iran’s vice president told Kommersant.
Russia and Iran have signed this week a memorandum on the implementation of the agreement for the delivery of the Russian S-300 missile defense systems to Iran.
The letter also says the U.S. is prepared to increase missile defense funding for Israel, which has strongly opposed the nuclear agreement between Iran and world powers.
Britain will reopen embassy in Tehran after four years.
If we consider the case of another country in the region, Azerbaijan, then we are to state that Azerbaijan can have either essential losses or on the contrary derive certain dividends.
The proof that this meeting in Tehran between Zarif and Majdalani was quite successful is that now it is the PA president Mahmoud Abbas, who declared about his plans to visit Iran within the two months.
"Netanyahu used his influence to intervene in the foreign policy of the United States", the US President Obama said in an interview with CNN. And though he mentioned that the US and Israel have close relations, Obama stressed that Netanyahu is wrong concerning the Iranian nuclear deal.
This agreement can help Tehran finance destabilising regional conflicts.
We have an ally relationship. The word 'ally' means something to us. It means that if you are attacked, we will defend you.
This, as the spokesman of the British government informed, was declared by David Cameron during the telephone conversation with the President of Iran Hassan Rouhani.
During his visit Fabius is scheduled to meet with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and other senior officials.
The President of France also added that France will promote peace and stability in the Middle East.
"Iran views Armenia as a good regional transit corridor between the Black Sea and the Persian Gulf. 3 billion 200 million dollars are required for its construction of the transit route. This in its turn requires a serious investor who is not found yet." as Artsakh Press reports Mohammad Reisi stated.
"Russia is taking some responsibilities in this agreement…for example, they are working to do the conversion of Fordow to stable isotopes," Moniz continued.
Kerry announced that due to the Vienna agreement on the Iran deal, the US and other world powers have "closed-off all paths to a bomb".
US Defence Secretary noted King Salman expressed doubt about the nuclear deal's verification process, as well as questioning the "snap-back" mechanism for re-imposing sanctions if Iran violated its terms.
"Israel’s security is Europe’s own security. We think it is possible to make compromises regarding Iran’s future, but impossible to make compromises on Israel’s security," Renzi said.
The construction of four new nuclear power plants in the country will be simultaneously launched in the next two-three years.
By saying allies in the region Araqchi meant Palestine, Yemen, Syria and Iraq. He also added that Iran would expand its defensive capabilities.
The online tools, the White House is to use, will include a Twitter feed, as well as an online resource page that will help to promote the Iran nuclear agreement.
According to the source, the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee lobbying group has even started pressing key lawmakers to move ahead with legislation aimed to kill the agreement.
Analysts say German delegation’s visit to Iran is a huge signal for Iran that Germany wants to quickly restore its economic and political relations with the Islamic Republic, Reuters writes. German industry groups have said exports from Europe's largest economy to Iran could as much as quadruple in the next few years due to the nuclear deal.
However the resolution also provides a mechanism for UN sanctions to "snap back" if Iran fails to comply with its obligations.
The Israeli government will sooner or later agree with it, instead demanding maximum security leverages from the US.
According to Chitchian, Germany and Iran have good experience in technology exchange, which gives room to be sure that cooperation on the mentioned fields would be effective.
The US President administration sent the agreement on Iran's nuclear program to the US Congress, which will have to review it within 60 days, the countdown will start from July 20.
It is to be noted that the announcement was made by Ashton Carter on his way to Israel and aims at easing concerns of a key ally who has been one of the most vocal critics of nuclear deal.
Tehran will not leave his allies in Syria and Iraq.
Apparantely, the nuclear deal did not contribute to the rapproachemnt of Iran and the US, taking into consideration that the above mentioned was declared by the Supreme Leader, to whom the final say belongs.
All these statements are to prove the analysts’ words that the West aims to use Iran in fight against the Islamic State that got unprecedented power in the region. The western powers have realized that comprehensive approaches are needed to fight against the Islamic State and it is not possible to defeat it through air strikes or by training the "good" fighters like they used to say.
"If Iran should try to cause mischief in the region we're committed to confront it resolutely," Jubeir said.
The U.N. Security Council will vote for the resolution on Iran nuclear deal on Monday morning
"It's not a request. It's a requirement," Rice said. Iran would be "bound to grant that access."
As the Syrian SANA agency informs, Assad stressed that "the final agreement is a real turning point in the history of Iran and in its relations with the countries of the region."
In an talk with "Armedia" IAA, an expert on Iran Gohar Iskandaryan noted that the lifting of the sanctions will bring Iran some incomes that can be used to implement a number of Armenian-Iranian projects delayed due to a lack of finance.
"The question you have to ask yourself is what kind of a deal would have been welcomed in Tel Aviv. The answer of course is that Israel doesn’t want any deal with Iran," Hammond said.
At the same time these financial resources will create chances to implement some Armenian-Iranian projects that have been suspended due to lack of funds. Iskandaryan noted that first of all the construction of hydropower plant in Meghri will be completed.
He also added that the deal is not something perfect, but the compromises were necessary.
Oil sales contracts have been signed for 2015...
Obviously, US-Russia cooperation does not apply to areas where our interests are very different, where we disagree with each other very strongly...
He also said that the deal will be win-win for all sides.
"The NKR Foreign Ministry welcomes the agreement as a significant contribution to the establishment of security and stability in the region," is stated in the NKR Foreign Ministry's website.
Russia welcomes the decision reached today in Vienna on settling the situation around Iran’s nuclear program and the approvals of the P5+1 group and Iran on their overall action plan.
This long expected agreement is an important achievement in favour of strengthening international, regional stability and cooperation.
"I would like to say here and now – when you are willing to make an agreement at any cost, this is the result," Hetanyahu said.
Earlier, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said that the sides have made "genuine progress... but there continues to be some sticking points that remain unresolved."